Sunday 13 May 2012

Friend Wanted

Sun 13 May 2012

At this point, it's been weepy for me. If only I had someone like Jeon Jin Ho (in Personal Taste Korean drama) in my life. A man who is dependable, loving, intelligent, caring... Someone who can be with me in this time when I really feel so alone, and so ... afraid and so sad.

But in my life now, I have no friends. Only acquaintances who have come and left.

It may seem impossible, but I cultivated or invested in no friends throughout my years of existence. I smile at the absurdity while typing this.

Thinking of my past love... I had to think back while typing a post regarding my novel in a forum I just created... adds to the sadness.

And all my life, I have done nothing except be a good citizen and exercise a lot and eat fruits and vegetables. What can go wrong?

When I was 25~26, I made it a point to look at myself carefully and closely in the mirror in my room one day. Remember this skin, the brightness of these eyes, the lips, the face... For all these will deteriorate with age.

Unfortunately, I cannot stop the years from going. Neither can I prevent myself from aging and having health problems later in life. Even while looking at myself in the mirror, I know health problems will be inevitable later.

How does it feel to look at your own perfection in the mirror and know at the same time that all these will not stay? Sadness. Tragedy. Inevitability. Powerless to prevent.

Just as Lee Min-ho (the man who plays Jeon Jin Ho) says, he does not like that he is getting older (and he is just 25) when the cast and crew celebrated his 25th birthday on the City Hunter set.

I am sure that, he, like me, knows the meaning of the passage of time and what it will do. Five years ago, he was involved in a serious accident that left him still injured but still able to work/act. A man who has seen the fragility of his life.

Those who have seen it and/or have seen death, will have a maturity different from everybody else's. At 25, his interviews show him to be a mature guy with a quiet intelligence. His eyes speak of a maturity different from other people his age.

Unfortunately, tears do not change the situation. Crying only makes me feel more alone.

I am still stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea *faint smile*.

I do not know whether/if my condition will worsen. I don't know if this anemia will damage my heart, cause heart attack or cause brain damage/stroke subsequently.

The doctors are unkind, uncaring and useless. They should not have spent years in medical education just to have their hands tied saying "I don't know" or just sending the patient home without any comforting advice just because the patient does not want to undergo the only solution they have (blood transfusion).

Blood transfusion is the only solution they have = pathetic.

Yet they don't see it so. The entire 21st century medical science and medical community are pathetic. They don't see it as so?

Instead of healing, they kill. Instead of helping, they harm. Instead of holistic, natural remedies, they recommend methods and procedures with risks.

Their medications are potent, dangerous. They treat patients as playthings for their drugs.

After all their years of study, "doctors"  are impatient, not updated, old-fashioned in their treatments, impersonal, mercenary.

After 4 months, iron supplements have brought my blood count to only 8.6 (normal 11~12). I am having unpredictable, unstable symptoms of the heart that I never had before (even when the blood count was 5.5 and I rejected blood transfusion).

I don't know if my heart can hold up until the blood count rises further. I am afraid it might not.

I don't know why this is happening.  It's ironic since I don't smoke, don't drink and don't generally eat meat. A healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and optimism for all these years, come to this.

I don't understand.

The fibroid is kept in check and blood count while low, is still higher than 5.5. Even at 5.5, I didn't have this heart problem.

Bro thinks could be it's taken too long to raise it to 8.6 and the heart has been injured/badly strained.

I think it's because of the low blood count and my vigorous exercise even with the low blood count. It strained the heart too much and now it's showing signs.

If I hadn't exercised during this time, and let the blood count rise first, the symptoms now might not have happened. 

This morning, I felt a little breathless. I tried a Feroglobin capsule for the first time and it got worse quickly. The left side of my head down to my jaw tingled with my hands and feet. I felt my heart strain just sitting at the laptop at my desk, till I had to lie down.

Rising to get to the bed, I felt a little dizzy, a lot of tingling and slight nausea. My hands were perspiring.

Lying down, I felt the tingling subside and my heart calming down.  

Am I going to spend the rest of the days lying down??

Went to the clinic downstairs (Healthplus) and the doc was very unhelpful with a disturbing "lording over" attitude. He should not be a doctor.

He insisted I go for blood transfusion as the only way to fix the problems, and wrote a referral to go to A&E. No time sparred for considering my feelings or anything, even becoming upset that I was dawdling with his advice. Cut everything short by telling it to my face in a very "lord it over" way with his lousy-looking face, that there was nothing he could do, no medication he could appropriately give.

When he did that, he immediately made me feel much worse. My heart beat harder, I could feel my tingling sensations coming back. Anxiety.

How can such a person be a doctor? Making the patient feel worse.

Bro is worried the symptoms might get worse the long we delay blood transfusion. He understands my concerns and fears, but he feels blood transfusion might be the way before it gets worse.

I, as the person enduring this, feels fear. I live in fear every day. Not knowing when the symptoms will come back, when it will be worse, when and if one day... I might just...

A while ago, I created a forum. I've been anxious about whether to do it because I'm afraid of people stealing/taking my work.  Copyright concerns.

But with my health like this, I've anxiety about my work not being seen.

I'd like my life's work to be known. In my own name. Copyrighted.

While the forum I created will likely not have visitors since it will most likely not turn up in search engines... it is still online. Anyone with fate, may drop by. It is no longer just in my laptop, e-mail or handwritten/typed papers in my file folder where nobody knows.

If life ends here, at least... I have done this much.

I've chosen to place my work in a forum is because it is better than just in a blogspot (although I'm also considering placing it in a blogspot).

I've a forum that's been around since 2004. With this history, it's quite certain the forum I just created will be safe. This is considering if/when I am not around.

Blogspot is run by Google which is unpredictable and mercenary. They might shut down anything anytime, even though blogs/sites can remain in cyberspace "forever".

A forum format enables me to partition my work according to how I like. Also, other people can contribute as well, should they wish to.

Putting my work online, I hope they will remain "forever". Known instead of unknown. I do not want to have lived in vain, showing nothing of what I was/am, what I wrote, what I believed in.

Star Trek The Next Generation:  Time's Arrow Season 6 Ep 1 Part 2

Picard: I wish... I wish time would have allowed me to know you better.
Twain: Well, you'll just have to read my books. What I am is pretty much there.

Bro has been asking to go to Swensen's for the past 3 days, and I haven't been able to go with him. Our dinners have been white rice, canned Campbell soup and green boiled vegetables.

I wish I had someone like Jeon Jin Ho with me. Depending on my bro is not enough. He has his moods/attitudes. It can be difficult. It is also straining and stressful on him because of his inability to handle it, apart from his own problems. He does not do well in emergencies and stressful situations.

Worse of all, he can't cook. Which means, I don't get to eat any nutritious food. I'm unable to cook if I can't. And we are unable to go out to eat if I can't.

At the moment, bro has cough. And he has to go for RT training on Wed evening. I hope all will be fine while he is away. He will be having 8 sessions of those. By the time he gets home, it'll be after 9 p.m.. All because they changed the normal IPPT window to 9 months without properly informing him (no letter, no brochure).

I told my bro today that I need a fortuneteller, not a doctor.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm the one who posted on the Hakuouki post^^

Decided to have a look on your blog and saw this.

Although fortunately I've never had anything serious, I can understand you're this mad with doctors. I'm on my first year of medicine and it makes me so sad to know that there's this kind of people treating patients.

Hope you're able to cheer up!

Are you writing a story or something? I'm curious^^

zinepin said...

Well, when a person is in the 20s, everything is usually well. Loads of energy, stamina, optimism etc...

It is a time when a person doesn't need friends and can afford to have many superficial ones. :)

I think it's better you learn and master "alternative" medicine instead. Healing people in holistic way, with natural remedies instead of drugs and surgery.

I don't mean TCM. I think that's useless as well in SG.

Medicine is a long course. It is pointless if it becomes just a job at the end. This is what the doctors do now. To them, it is just a job. I have seen a few doctors so far and they are all the same.

At the end of the day, it's just about money and clearing patients out of your office quickly.

Yeah, I have been working on 2 novels for a long while. They are meant to be novels for a change since I've been writing short stories so far (have also written a play).

Anonymous said...

One of the things I'm still afraid is the fact that you're dealing with people's lives.
One of my teachers showed us a video of a famous Indian doctor who works in USA and he criticizes how doctors nowadays don't really "observe" the patient, they look at the information they get from their analysis and work upon those numbers and charts without taking into account that patient's feelings.
Really a shame.

I support all types of medicines, as long as it works and they feel comfortable with that, people can choose the way to get cured.
A friend when she was a kid had some sort of disease and doctors couldn't help her, her mother decided to go to one of those alternative doctors (forgot their name) and she got cured. Since then she always goes there.
Even some classmates of mine prefer alternative ways than drugs.

Althghough you have to also blame researchers and pharmaceutics, it's not a secret that they don't make some drugs to cure cancer or things like that because they wouldn't make as much profit.

Although the doctors you've met are idiots, I have faith that there's still good doctors.

Wow that's great! I also like to write but I have so many difficulties, I can spend hours in front of the document and not write a single word even if I have some ideas. That makes me admire the people who write novels^^
Is there a place to read them?

zinepin said...

Yeah, that's exactly what docs are doing. Not listening, not observing, not having the time or bothering to find out deeper about what might be causing symptoms or problems.

It could just be a matter of nutrient deficiency over the years. But instead of discovering this and offering the simple treatment of eating better, the docs will sell drugs, give wrong ideas to the patient and give wrong advice (surgery).

The docs are also clueless about side-effects of their prescription affecting different people, or completely deny any side-effects.

Their method is: What is the problem? Ok, here's the drug to fix it. Next!

Takes only 5 mins or less. During this time, they hardly listen to what the patient tells them. If you try to say more, they will not be listening.

Problem is, what they are doing cost lives. Cost people pain and more suffering. And even death.

The cure for cancer has already been found or was close to discovery. But the drug company chose to bury it. The cures should have already been found if the companies were really working on it.

They choose not to "find" the cure, because too much money is in the business of using the killing machines and drugs.

I have seen more than 10 doctors so far. They are the same. Even if there is a good doctor, he is limited by the drugs that are made available by the drug companies, and the crude methods still being used. In a way, it is not much different from the ignorance and butchering of the past.

Why would you wish to be part of this business then?

zinepin said...

Mm yeah. I have heard 1 or 2 women previously telling me the same as you. If you have an idea, think of how best to put it across. It's the same as your posting here, just communicating what you wish to say. :)

So far, the short stories have been typed and kept in a physical folder file. I didn't put them online because of various reasons. Mainly, they were for practice till I felt they were good enough to be officially published in US magazines. And I feared copyright theft if they were unofficially put up anywhere.

And back then, I preferred to write or type on paper, rather than type on keyboard. It would be time-consuming to transfer what I wrote/typed to the computer, so I didn't do that.

Due to my worry for my health, I decided to get a place online to put up all my stuff. I've been postponing it for a very long time (years). So, it's only now that I actually did it (the forum I mentioned in the post).

That forum contains the first few chapters of the 2 novels, and how they came about. But... because I'm still working on them, they are still in progress with changes all the time. So, can't show the forum yet, although it is open to anyone who happens to stumble by.

Some years back, I posted the play online in Livejournal, Wordpress and tblog. Not sure why it doesn't show up on Google for LJ and WP.

Strictly speaking, it's the first play I wrote, but it is actually the 2nd play. :)

It is considered the first, because I wrote it in the fullness of the style of a play. I consider it my first, best, and possibly the last, although I don't know if I'll be writing another.

The first was actually written for a local contest. It didn't win but got me thinking why. From it, I wrote a second play.

So. Here it is.

So far, I have only shown it to 2 persons (my past love and a woman in the US whom I got to know in an anime forum that I created. I don't know if others have stumbled upon it since it was posted online.).

In the play, there are references to Macbeth (cursed play), other events and personal life.

The wide spaces is due to technical fault of Wordpress. I was not able to fix it at the time.