Friday 7 November 2014

Now I Know Why NBA players look like Crooks

That's because they are.  My analysis of faces has not been wrong so far.

(If you show me a photo of the man/woman you're going to marry, I would be able to tell you what to expect. If you're having trust issues with someone and show me his/her photo, I would be able to tell you whether to trust this person or not.).

I'm watching a video on Kobe Bryant giving a free lesson (tips) to a Time interviewer on the court.  And one of the tips Kobe gives is to pin the interviewer's left (strong) hand with his own so that the ball slips off the interviewer's weaker (right) hand and Kobe then grabs it.

When the interviewer asks how Kobe gets away with it, Kobe says "it's too fast" "too quick" (to be seen by the referee).  Bloody hell. Dirty tricks. What fair play?

My question is, why don't the opponent inform the referee?  With the tip off, will the referee then watch more closely and stop this?

Turns out the anime Kuroko no Basuke is true to life. Wow. These people really do such things. As long as the referee doesn't see...

I don't know how a person can be completely happy and proud winning by such methods.  That win is tainted.

I swear that I don't know who Kobe Bryant is until I watched videos of him shooting and then a documentary.  I've only been into basketball these few days.  I only know the name Michael Jordan but it's only now that I take a good look at his face.

First impression of Kobe Bryant's face when I first had a good look on screen (before that Time video):  A clean/honest-looking face, symmetrical (attractive like Michael Jordan), his eyes seem honest. But there is something behind that face and those eyes that you might want to hold back on. However, it is still possible to risk putting a trust in him to test him out (for say, maybe you need him to do something for you).

First impression of Michael Jordan when I first had a good look on screen just now:  The face of a brute. Handsome. But a bad face. Not someone to be trifled with.  Like a drunk that sees only red. Not someone I would like to meet.  Aggression is written on his face. Low tolerance.  Bad temper and liable to be violent.   Based on an instructional video, he is definitely very calculative in his manoeuvres, more so than Kobe Bryant.  I would say he is a more forceful and stricter personality than Kobe Bryant. I don't know if he also uses dirty tricks to score but I won't be surprised if he doesn't (his face is a predominantly brutish face with no apparent undercurrent of underhandedness.). 

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