Wednesday 15 October 2014

Is an ADA tank perfect?

I thought it was. But no.  Fed up of seeing 5mm, 6mm & thicker glass from China websites,  I was looking for an answer on how thick an ADA tank glass is when I came upon this online review:

I've read of the perfection of the seams/silicon (some guy on a forum said the Japanese ADA has a man removing excess silicon by hand/razor & that's why the high cost),  but this is the first time I am reading that  "almost all of the ADA cube gardens" bows.

From the photos, you can see the ADA tank glass has a blue side rather than green. It's not completely white as many China tanks that try to copy ADA. If it's all white, the tank will have a dead plastic look (from China reviewers' photos). So far, I've not seen a China tank glass look close to this blue:

Incidentally, the link that the writer gives for where he gets his "ADA planted aquarium supplies" doesn't work.

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