Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Current Activity

12:58am 4 Oct Thurs

Current activity:  Reading research papers review online.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

What's better than Distributing Flyers (Singapore)?

4:27pm Today is... *checks laptop bottom corner* Wed 25 July

I found out yesterday that I make a very bad flyer distributor.

I stood there, looking upwards at several blocks of HDB flats @ Toa Payoh & considered which of these apartments contain school children...  It does not help that no clothes are flapping out on bamboo poles from the windows, kitchen or otherwise. All windows mostly closed. What the heck... did they all keep in all the clothes? All dried on this hot day? Are they not home? Do they even have school kids?

Another part of me was scolding myself: What the heck are you standing there for instead of going up there & giving out flyers?

Fact is... I have a limited quantity of flyers. Strongly bearing in mind an online comment by a guy who stuffed 500 flyers into mailboxes & got only 1 reply.... I strongly do not want to waste my flyers in such a shooting spree. Randomly shooting flyers is a waste.

Another fact is... I strangely have an aversion to messing up people's door by inserting a flyer...

Another fact is.... I don't think it's gonna work coz I once gave out 200 (or maybe more) flyers along the entire stretch of Orchard Road on a super hot day & not a single result.

I am reluctant to give out flyers. It's like giving out junk. There has to be a better way. But what to do when you have no money & almost everyone living in HDB flats are uneducated with no money?

I am stuck with 400+ flyers.... out of 500. *grimaces*

Singapore is such a miserable place to be in.

Did you read about that stupid Russian man who stayed in Singapore with 4 kids & he's applying for Singapore citizenship? Consigning his poor 3 sons to serving the army when they turn 18. My god. That's what I mean by selfish & stupid parents.

If you wanna apply for citizenship, do it yourself. But don't do it to your kids who don't know anything & can't choose. You are shackling your kids to a servitude that they are innocent about. You are clipping their wings so that they cannot fly when they grow up.  You are damning them to hell.

I really want to distribute flyers to Hougang but the trip to & back is about $5. If no result from the flyers, I would've spent $5 for nothing. I'm too broke for that.

I need free publicity....

My lack of money is shouting at me to:  DO SOMETHING!!!

You know.... Ken Seeroi should meet up with Chris Broad... Oh... I just checked ... Ken Seeroi already has a wife. What a pity. Two cynically cool men meeting sexy. Married is not.

And now, I've to go to the library ... walk there.. to Self-Study in order to pass an exam in... one month? Two months? I don't think I'm gonna make it...  >.<

Grammar... Reading.. I keep thinking if only we can download the language into our brains. It's faster. Just plug in, fast download like Data in a few hours or minutes.  Plenty of time left till exam time. Relax.

Gee.... come to think... as I start thinking... I haven't thought about how to teach English to people who don't know English... O.O  Do we start at ABC? Good heavens.

I mean... what to introduce first? If past tense & present tense isn't first... then.... what is? Vocab? Cat? Dog? That sort of thing? *thinking*

Sentence construction? The fact that they can print on a T-shirt "Are You Enjoy Spring?" means they don't know the "ing" in describing a motion. When actually, they do have the same idea in their street slang such as "gugu-ru", which means Googling (if you don't know something, google it).

Maybe I should start with that?

I am reminded of the time when I asked 2 school girls for help with buying a ticket at the machine in a convenience store. And they just completely pounced on my small notepad of scribbled English as if they could read....

They took over my notepad, flipping through the pages... devouring the scribbled words... while I watched in quiet surprise at the attention they gave to the directions that I had written to get myself around.

Are they sure they know what they are reading? Coz it's not just in English. It's in scribbled English. I mean... it's in my handwriting.


簡単な英語シンガポールで! 恐れることはありません!月〜金:午前10時〜午後9時 土曜日と日曜日は午前10時から午後9時まで。 時間を選択してください。すべてのレベルが大歓迎です! 会話型英語、ビジネス英語または学校英語。 シンガポールの忙しい労働者、主婦、学生のために! Dhoby Ghaut MRTの近くの快適なクラス。 みんなの手ごろな料金! 今すぐサインアップ! フレキシブルなタイミングと日数!一緒に学びましょう! に書き込んでください thezinepin

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Looking @ Chris Broad's Instagram...

Hell shit! I also got my own photos to show! Even better ones than his!! I got one picture perfect like straight outta National Geographic. Really.  Women in full kimono walking along a path. From the back.

U know, Chris is so photogenic. Handsome fellow. Looking at one of his photos... I suddenly realized I gotta have a large poster of his face in my room. To join the ones that I already have of Richie & Lee Min Ho. People will wonder who is that? I'll say "Chris Broad".  I don't care if you know him or not. He's handsome to me.

Yo, Chris. Can I hug you? U look so squishable. I mean, soft. Huggable.

Friday, 20 July 2018

シンガポールの英語クラスレッスン [学ぶ]

こんにちは、あなたがシンガポールにいて、英語を学びたいなら、私はあなたに教えることができます。 私はシンガポールで15年以上の英語教育を受けているシンガポール国立大学 優秀卒業生です。 私はあなたに英語で何かを教えることができます。 会話英語、ビジネス英語、ライティング、リーディング、スペル。 Dhoby Ghaut MRT の近くの快適な会場。 4レッスンのみ $180。各レッスン1時間。英国の標準英語です。 心配しないでください。 忙しい日本の専門家、学生、主婦に最適です。 あなたの友人を連れて一緒に楽しく学びましょう!

残念ながら、私はシンガポールの日本人に英語の教育サービスを広告する方法を知らない。 メッセージを広めてください。 ありがとうございました。

# シンガポールで英語を学ぶ

Flyers Haters in Singapore...

Are stupid Singaporeans. They have no talent, no entrepreneurial spirit, zero. They live in a stupidly simple world in their brains.

They hate flyers & hate flyer distributors & hate advertisers without considering how hard it is to do business in Singapore. They have no intelligence to think beyond their own selfish little gate & their selfish little world behind it which they think they own but actually don't.

These flyer haters didn't buy their flat. They are only renting it long-term. They own nothing.

One fellow even said flyers are a waste of resources. Yeah? You think people don't know that? Is that a revelation?

You think individuals & businesses want to waste money, waste  "resources" on distributing paper?

What options do individuals & small businesses have in Singapore when it comes to low-cost advertising?

In a country where you are not even allowed to make money from selling "your" flat, what options do we have? Tell me.

One would say there is the "internet". The same fellow said: there is the internet, why would he read flyers?

Yeah? Have you personally tried promoting a business online & witnessed the result if any?

Have you personally taken out money to pay for a classifieds ad & witnessed the result if any?

Have you personally tried promoting or creating awareness for something you want to do? No.

Fact is, you can't even save your own ass even if your life depended on it.

Have you personally gone on the street giving out flyers to a target audience just so they will read it  & not throw away that piece of $ which you paid for?

Do you know what it feels like to see someone take your flyer, walk a few steps & toss it into the trash bin?

That flyer that you paid for: You designed it. You searched for the lowest cost printing shop. You negotiated for the best price per piece. You decided you are going to distribute the flyers yourself. You had to think of where to target your distribution.

Every flyer carries your every thought, your every $, your every wish for your own hope to succeed.

Do you know what is hope? 

People who criticize flyer distributions & make fun of the individuals behind the ads & call just to disturb... these people are evil-hearted pieces of shit that deserve to live in shitty Singapore. They deserve to die here with nothing to show for at the end of their lives. Not even their "house" is theirs. They own nothing.

It pisses me off to read of one shithead guy who says he goes to "school" & hates it when people gives him flyers. Piece of shit. If you hate flyers, just don't take. He went to the extent of bothering the town councils & other agencies who ignored him.

If you are still going to "school", nobody is going to listen to you because you know shit. What experience have you got? Zero. Your "world" is just that few inches of iPhone screen & you want to talk as if you know something.

Can you choose not to serve in the Singapore army? Likewise, people who distribute flyers to create awareness for their business have no choice.

Have you worked 15 hours straight just to pay 1 utility bill? With little to spare for groceries? Have you tried looking for food in the supermarket with just $1.10?

If you have personally stood in the hot blazing sun or drizzle to give out your own flyers to strangers, you will never say you hate flyers.

3:11am 21 July Sat

Later in the day, I have to go to RWS run by fucking foreigners who are so rude & evil & ungrateful. Why did the Singapore government let them in to work? They are in managerial positions when they have no right to be.

I Hate Singapore

I never thought I would hate my own country so much. Once I leave, I am never coming back. This is not my country anymore.

After so many decades, Singaporeans are still so uneducated, despite LKY's push for academic qualifications & computer literacy.  I would think that the older generation would have been wiped out by now & replaced.  Yet, a new wave of uneducated young people keep being born year after year.

Why?  It's horrific.  Singapore has never progressed.

When I was giving out flyers to teenagers today, the guys would decline in Chinese. Why can't they think that the older person is educated? Why do they have the mindset that all older people are uneducated like their own parents?

They think older persons are uneducated because the majority of Singaporeans are uneducated. Their mindsets speak for themselves. No facts need to be presented.

And how come there is this shallow & small-minded view out of our young people's minds?  Because they are islanders. Island mentality never changes.

There is a book actually being sold at Kinokuniya where an asshole author declares on the title, "Singapore is not an island".  I don't know what's wrong with that author to be able to declare such a thing. And the publisher must be crazy to have even entertained the idea of publishing it.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Giving Out Flyers in Singapore

11:37am 20 Fri

Today I'm going to give out 200 flyers. Let's see if it works. In this day & age, online ‌in S‌ingapore is still shit.

4:53pm ... I came home around ... 3.30pm. It was traumatizing giving out flyers to 13-16 year-olds. I don't know if I mean it as a joke.

After "stock-taking"... I counted that I gave out a grand total of ... 37 flyers after ...20mins + another 10mins at 2 locations. 37 flyers minus 2 that 1 idiot guy threw away straight into the trash bin a few steps ahead after taking the flyers from me. I shouldn't have accidentally given him 2 pieces.... That was 6 cents worth into the bin. I wish he was made to suffer working in giving out flyers or forced to do manual labour. The piece of shit.

Piece of fuck. He looks like he has depression. So he's already wasted even at 16 years old.

How can it have been just 37 flyers?? I could have sworn I gave out more. Like 50 pieces. I mean it was awful standing out in the hot shitty weather even with a cap. It was embarrassing having to give out flyers. And this age thing in these shallow people's mindsets is terrible.

I don't think giving out flyers is going to work....

But how else to do it in shitty Singapore?

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Spirit Orbs As Seen By Bro

2:05 pm 19 July Thurs

We suddenly got to talking about his symptoms. I said I told the ghost hobbyists to ask him about the colors of the orbs if they want to know. Whatever you want to know, ask my bro because he's the one with all the barrage of symptoms.  Don't ask me because I don't see anything. I only get 2 things: headaches & drowsiness. Apart from that, I told them I saw a real-looking 3D version of you, which you said wasn't you.

Bro said Orbs are boring. I said, "Yeah, I probably gave the impression that they are like rainbow colors.".

Bro at the wash basin,  "They fly like airplanes but they are sooo small.".

I said, "Ooohh... I gotta get this down. Quote of the day."

As we talked, he later said, "Airplanes, because they're big, turn slower. Orbs shooot by fast.

I said, "Like UFO lor."

"Yeah."....   "can't even fit an ant inside. They are even smaller than an ant. But there are bigger ones, can see from far, but not very big. Like tic tac size.".

He once compared an orb to a piloted plane. It's purposeful, straight line piloting. Straight from the main door somewhere to the altar table where it vanished midway.  He described these orbs as grey or white or black.

Monday, 16 July 2018

This National Day...

I finally can say for certain that I hate Singapore.

Never thought I would say this. But I Hate Singapore. It does nothing except keep pressuring people for money in so many creative ways.

Singaporeans are no better. Stupid & crazy.

Overseas people when I contact them,  always reply even when they cannot help. They will say I'm sorry but it's beyond my ability & recommend someone whom they know might be able to help. Even from that distance, they are always polite & always reply.

Singaporeans just don't reply.  Even when they know someone needs help, they can just keep silent on the other side.   It goes beyond selfishness. This is mental.

And because these Singaporeans don't reply, it makes others learn not to reply either. It creates a society of shit.

And they keep producing children that do nothing except keep screaming & shouting. Mad children.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

RWS Resorts World Sentosa: Boss's Behaviour

8 July Sun 1:37 p.m.

It was 5 July Thurs, around 2.15 p.m.. Very crowded. 3000 people. Event was Public Sector Transformation. Some vendors were there such as Miyoshi & 1 robotics booth.

I was swamped with guests. No manager or team leader came over to help. They have a tendency to disappear whenever an event starts.  When you look around, not a single one of them is around.

Suddenly, the "boss" came out of the ballroom door just a short distance away. Balding man with thin, narrow (beady) eyes, approximately in his 50s (no front teeth), with a paunch & wearing a white long-sleeved, striped shirt with a black jacket.

Immediately, I waved to get his attention (since there wasn't any choice). His head turned but he abruptly stopped himself as he noticed from his side view, quickly pretended not to look, faced in front & walked away.

WAhhh... I have never seen a "boss" or manager do that before. Evidently, he is very experienced in dodging. His spidey-sense alerted him not to look.

I couldn't believe that he just walked away. Even for the rest of the day, I still couldn't believe it.

A boss behaving like that.  Previously, I heard a team leader referring to him as "boss" ("Boss is here. Shit.").

These are your customers. When your staff needs help attending to your customers, the RWS "boss" just walks away?

Subsequently, I was blamed by a crazy, liar manager. He said, "See, how come I can do it so perfectly well whereas you can't?". I said, "That's because there's no more queue now." (& where were you when help was needed?). All the guests had gone inside the ballroom.

The "boss" has no front teeth because once, he smiled while talking to his gang, I saw & wondered why with his managerial salary, he didn't make dentures. It also explains why he has a sunken mouth area appearance common with old men & speaks with unclear pronunciation (but talks loudly).

From one of the ladies, I heard that he is "inclined" towards to young women. Between a young woman & an older woman who entered a room together for work, he made the older woman go home without any reason.

Amazing how RWS can still run. For much of the time, they are winging it & just barely scraping through every single time.

Just recently, I saw the worst, most disorganized banquet ever held at this place. At the end, I smiled because it was just so ridiculous & unbelievable.  The worst team leader (Aldridge who looks like a goldfish but later I heard his team peers perfectly & fittingly call him, "hamster") was in charge. The whole food delivery procedure was such a mess that it was laughable. The guests said, "Ladle is missing. What's next? The chicken?" & the whole table laughed. At that time, they didn't even have any plates laid out for the food.

Well, it's nice that they had good humour. That was alone was cause for a smile. I liked the guests.

RWS Sentosa: SSMC Dinner & Dance SG

Silicon company. Boss is Indian. I didn't know they hired so many China employees. And the boss promised to give them bonus...

It was reported online that Singaporeans avoid renting rooms & apartments to Indians & China because they are notorious for being dirty. Not surprising about Indians since it's rare that one is clean without body odour & every single one of them spray their sneezes without covering their mouths. But last night, I saw that yes, China is truly horrible.

Just 1 China man is enough. China. Totally gross.

It was a dinner & dance setting at RWS (masquerade theme). Towards the end, I saw a China man stand up in a long-sleeved, collared blue-red shirt at a table. And he spat spittle across the next chair and carpet.


I don't know where the spittle landed.  I dare not try to see. Luckily, not the table in my charge.

Too bad I didn't take photo or video. Even if I had the equipment, I didn't have time. It was done fast.

Shocking. First time I see it done at a banquet setting. Carpet.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Learning: One Step Reach Heaven

There is a Chinese proverb "一步登天" . That's what I propose to do. Mount Heaven in One Step.

Is it possible? I am ambitious. Not only mount heaven in 1 step. But do it by August to register for the topmost exam.  Without attending school.

I can memorize entire pages of texts & diagrams. And I know Chinese. How hard can it be?

Ok, don't talk much. I start now. Chiong AHHHHH....!!!!!

Update... 1:51am 9 July...

"the human legs radical"... says the lady host. Human legs radical? The screen shows the bottom strokes (legs) of the Chinese words. Orhh... human legs. It's the bottom 2 strokes under the Chinese words like "light/shine"  光.

Before this, the "human radical" was introduced by the 2 lovely hosts. 人.

In Chinese, the "human radical" is called "Ren Zi Pang". Not radical. Translated, it means "person stroke side". Or... the side is a "human" writing/stroke.

In Chinese, we don't learn in this way. We don't memorize strokes separately like that. We do pay attention to the side strokes of words, but we don't memorize these side strokes because there are many words pairing with these side strokes. We just remember that a word is written with which side stroke.

For instance, we don't separately memorize the bottom "legs" of the word 光. We remember it as 1 word.

But it's understandable that learning without learning the Chinese foundation is difficult. Hard to teach it. So, I suppose this English way is the best method.

Whatever way it sounds, the Chinese meaning remains the same. I heard that there are words that look like Chinese words but with different meanings from Chinese. I haven't seen such words (yet).

Arghhh.. >.<  I'm skipping this video. It's like learning Chinese all over again. I already know.

And curiously, they are still using the old way of writing the "speak" side stroke for words like "plan"  計. This old left side stroke is currently still in use in Taiwan, called Traditional Chinese. Taiwanese comic books are still using this style of Chinese. The modern China version is called Simplified Chinese & that side stroke has simplified to 计.

Update 1:58pm (what's the damn date... sigh....checks laptop corner...) 10 July Tues...

Looking at the verbs... I suddenly remembered the lessons I had years ago ... arghh...

I forgot. I suddenly remember I have no interest in learning it.  Suddenly, it seems overwhelming. How can I take the exam??? >.< People study for 2-4 years.... And I want to do it in 1 month?? A few days???

No, I got the alphabet. I still forget 1 or 2 words, but... I basically memorized already.... I just need to see words put together first... Now where to get that kind of exercise...?? Like sheets of exercises with answers.

It's like 2-4 words put together & I can read each one, but don't know their meaning. U know? So, it's a matter of building the vocabulary. Right?

Like English... we started out learning the alphabet & then use them to form single words "cat" "dog" & build the vocabulary from there. Then expand from there to verbs & sentences. We don't start out with alphabet then straight to verbs, right?

Why is it that those lessons start out first with teaching the verbs? In class, even after learning the verbs, I still can't read.

There's this big gap between learning their alphabet & actually being able to read.


Crap. There's a lot to learn. I'm substituting English words to the particles & checking to see if it stays the same with the English idea. Seems stable so far.

"Ni" = by.  "Wa" = was/are. "O" = precedes a verb. The verb can be present tense or past tense or past participle.  Okayyy...

I think I just jumped from 0 to level 4.

Going down the examples in the exercise & explanations.... >.<   It'ssss soooo long-winded....

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Typical Conversation with Bro

Typical conversation with bro at home. I'm at the laptop in my room. He's cutting out pieces of paper with ...

Bro: I didn't buy bun.
Me (coming out of the room): What u say?
Bro: Didn't buy bun.
Me: Why?
Bro: No money.
Me (pause): Go & draw lah.
Bro: Can Jesus provide bread to me?
Me: His bread is just a wafer. U think it's enough? And it's only .. every fri .. (thinks) or sat...
Bro: No, I saw his last supper table...there was bread.
Me: Was it real bread? (Or imaginary .. like water but illusion it to wine?).
Bro: ......
Me (return to my room to type this).
Bro: I don't know how anyone can eat anything before you die. Quickly pack up & chao (run). Still sit there & last supper yourself. ... (he sits in master bedroom) ... Jurasilam...
Me: What?
Bro: The place he came from. Jurasilam.
Me: Jerusalem. He came from Nazareth. Nazareth is the capital of Jerusalem. Eh, Jerusalem itself is a capital, is it? Of what ah?
Bro: Im Zhai. (don't know).
Me (I laugh): U say it so funnily.
Bro: Yah mah. That place so luan (messy).
Me: *sighs while thinking & typing* (Sian this country... Singapore has nothing)

I think I left $20 in my bank account.
Bro: HUH??? Then...??
Me: Yeah, because they never give me any work. (Fucking shitty country that pays only $8-10/hr. And that's pure money. No CPF deduction. AND YET... still not enough to pay a single bill after 10-12 hrs of work. My utility bill is $105 for this month & it's due on 18 Jun. If don't pay it quickly... water supply will be cut.). Anybody who says "I love SG" must be stupid/mad or both/very free foreigners riding their damn bikes around.

3:28p.m.16 Jun Sat

Friday, 15 June 2018

Can I Live In Another Country?

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I just read Ken Seeroi. Discovering him is like discovering a new country. For an American, he has amazingly fabulous English. Better than me. I'm not jealous.

Not that I know Americans. I haven't come across one with such smoothly excellent English like his, I mean online in forums, blogs etc.., not books. And a gay IBM American consultant informed me that Americans, majority, are uneducated.

Your writing Ken, & all the comments under your post, makes me think that I can make it. It's do-able. I can live. There. With my brother. I can do this. I don't mind waking up to a window view of rice fields. I read of a 24 yr-old Singaporean guy who has been doing that for 2 years & on.

Just forget the fact that I felt irritable for no particular reason suddenly after a 2 weeks stay 9 years ago. Time really goes in a blink of 2 eyes. Home sickness? I don't know. I just felt totally pissed looking at all that fakery... fake bird calls from a train station... all that... Actually, now that I consider... I don't really know why I was irritable. I felt like if I stayed another week, I'd go nuts. Everything was pissing me off.

That was 9 years ago. Maybe it was an acclimatization phase? Like breaks when climbing Mt Everest? I never hear people saying they feel like they are going nuts in the first 2 weeks working overseas.

Whatever it was... I'm ready to go. I'm all get set in my brain. Reading your posts, I am already there. And got my ass covered, in as much as guesstimates based on reading allow.

Thankfully, I read fast. Reading heaps of research journals & texts in my university days, I scan through paragraphs of information as quickly as I can. And there is no time. I just stuff everything into my on-board computer brain. Something like Data. But wish I was Data.....he's faster.

U ask in your post why leave the home country. U wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

1:02p.m. Sat 16 June

Thursday, 14 June 2018

I want to be free

Wish I knew Oscar Wilde.  Every time I think of him, I think "what a pity".
Wish I was born in England. I would have become a famous writer by now. The thought of Tolkien pops to mind.

Born in stupid Singapore. Nothing but a desert. Nothing but road blocks. Spiritually unclean.

Still struggling all these years. Where is my magnus opus??? I just read Wiki for more details on The Picture of Dorian Gray after talking to bro about how possible it is for a man to turn into a demon, & I am so impressed, so awed by Oscar Wilde & what he calls "art" in order for it to pass through his society at that time. What is so "art" about a man being both educated & a murderer? These days, it's common. Doctors do it all the time & with licences.

The Victorians are impractical people. Or maybe they just didn't have educated murderers in those days.

Singapore just spent 20 million for a photograph to shake hands with a man who killed his half-brother. If only that 20 million were given to the citizens struggling to pay bills that keep coming one after another.

I want to get out of this place. I want to hurry to complete my work.
I don't want to give tuition to people I don't know.
I don't want to work 10 hours clearing tables & doing crap for hotels under the title "banquet" & still not have enough to pay 1 bill.
I want to be free from Singapore. I will not miss it.
When I am rich & famous, I don't want to say that I am from Singapore. I don't want to see another Singaporean where I go.
I want a new citizenship. A new name. A new life.
I want to be free.
How to get it?

Fri 15 June 12:50 p.m.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Derogatory & Offensive Terms "Auntie" "Uncle" in Singapore

12:39 p.m.  24 May Thurs

I don't know how someone can in good conscience can call another person "auntie" or "uncle".

As a teenager or older, I never addressed people with those terms. Because it's wrong. Firstly, it's a derogatory term.  Insulting a person's age.  Secondly, I don't know the person whom I am addressing. Third, I am not related to that person.

Singapore as a nation has not progressed. Worse now with so many uneducated foreigners, particularly from the backward countries: China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia.

They lack refinements in mentalities. Lack subtleties & diplomacy in human interactions. In other words: Not intelligent. Stupid.

In other countries, immigrants have to at least have university degrees before they can be residents. In Singapore all kinds of horrid uneducated people come in & work. And in just a few years, become permanent residents.

I stopped selling stuff to Filipinos because every time, they will  piss me off by using that derogatory term that insultingly mocks your age. I don't know them. They don't know me. It's just a transaction. Why the fuck are they insulting a person's age?

What has the person done to offend you that you call the person "auntie" or "uncle" like it's your right?

I suffered for years all kinds of problems. No money. I watched the person I love, die in front of me & powerless to do anything.  In my darkest moment of grief & despair, where were you?

How dare anyone just casually use just a single word to put my life (that you don't know) in a nutshell based age!

Everyone has a name. Even a dog or cat. How can a human being not be given the dignity of their names?  A name is so simple. 

Do you know what it feels like when you take time & effort dressing up to look nice, & some shit calls you an age-discriminating insulting term?  No matter how much you spend on a nice expensive salon hairstyle or how you try, people still call you that insulting term?  Suddenly you feel the need to prove that you are not people's mindset.  It's shit. Why do I need to prove anything to anyone??  I never knew what having to prove-what-you-are-not felt like until age discrimination terms were used on me.

A lot of people in their teens, 20s & 30s, banter & joke among themselves about "aunties" & "uncles" like it's so funny.  These terms are used with narcissistic, selfish & evil intentions: Negative, derogatory & demeaning.

You cannot say that "aunties" "uncles" are spoken out of respect. Don't be a shit. There is no respect behind the use of these words.

Auntie/Uncle = Uneducated. Old. Lower Level.

You don't see or hear Europeans or westerners calling another person "auntie" "uncle".  This age discrimination mentality is used by uneducated Asians.

You dare to call a head of state or minister or the Director of your company "uncle" or "auntie"? Why don't you walk up to that CEO lady & call her "auntie"?

A few days ago, I was at RWS. This shit-head around 16-17 years old, corrected someone who called him "Shawn" instead of his name on his uniform name tag. He said, "I am not Shawn".

Yet throughout, he kept calling me with the age discriminating derogatory term, even when he knew my name. And even when I told him off.

I notice that teenagers are very prim & proper about their names. Get it wrong & they will correct it, whoever you are. Yet they have no regard for other people's names.  Who are their parents? What a waste of  resources bringing such teenagers into life & feeding them.

Singapore managed to barely take 1 step forwards in the past. Now with the flood of uneducated foreigners with ageist mentalities & all kinds primitive attitudes, it's 3 steps back.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Information Buy Sell: Walk Direct from Sofitel Guard House to RWS Staff Entrance/Casino

No need to take shuttle bus/train. No need to take shuttle back to Vivocity & change shuttle, which will take more time. There is no shuttle direct from Sofitel to RWS. This information is for:

Working at Sofitel & need to go to RWS uniform room.
Tourist from Sofitel hotel going to RWS casino (RWS shuttle bus-stop).
Buy this information @ $25.  Leave ur e-mail below.

Brisk walking time 25 mins (20 mins for long legs).

Starting point is Sofitel Guard House. If you're at Sofitel hotel entrance, take the shuttle to the guard house.

From Sofitel Guard House....

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Get Up Give Me Ur Seat Mentality in Singapore Buses Trains

Just because a woman is pregant, she automatically has a right to force people off their seats? Who asked her to get fucked? Did anyone on the bus force her to get pregant? Why must other people pay for her mistake?

When she decided to have kids, she should have already considered the inconvenience of travel & other matters.

A fat, pregnant boat strolls onto a bus/train. And someone must automatically get up & give her the seat? It's hooliganism, same as when a mafia boss walks in & his henchman points at a person & gets him out of that seat for the boss.

Only selfish people think that it's right that others get out of their seats.

It is not the people sitting down who are selfish. The real selfish people are those who expect & demand that others get out of their seats.  

If restaurants allowed such behaviour, these selfish people will gladly apply their hooligan mentality & demand that others get up & give up their seats just like in trains & buses. Anyone who don't get up, will be shot with "so selfish!" "so disgusting!".

Oh, fuck off.  What is your motivation? You have low self-esteem & using this to get a boost? So that you can pat yourself & say you're such a good person while everyone else is "so selfish" "so disgusting"?  For all anyone knows, you are the one who stabbed your colleague in the back by telling tales to the company boss.

Stupid Singaporean mentality will never change regardless of where he/she goes. A person can go to New Zealand & still be stupid when he/she comes home.

You walk into a train or bus. You see someone sitting & not getting up for a pregant woman. You point at that fellow & say "Get up. Boss wants to sit.".  The "boss" is that pregnant woman, or that old man/woman.

One man & woman pushes a large baby pram on the bus/train. Someone "has to" get up & give this couple seats? Why? The man fucked the woman & they have a kid. And everyone on the bus or train has to pay the price for his fucked up decision?

One old woman comes up. Someone "must" get up for her. But do you know what she has been doing? Do you know she spits on the street? Do you know she shoved another person while coming up the bus? Do you know she insults & abuses her daughter-in-law?

What sort of person are you giving up your seat to?

Everyone, young or old, pays a price for being here. It is not fair to force or criticize others into giving up their seats just because someone else appears more "deserving". Everyone is deserving of a seat to sit based on who came first.

When a bus or train has no seat, Singaporeans must blame the "In-charge of this country". Not those who are sitting down.

Why are there not enough seats for fellow Singaporeans? Why is the bus or train so crowded? Why are all these people who are speaking foreign languages taking up seats on our trains & buses? 

When you criticize, direct your criticism at the right target.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Why No Need to Name Ur Baby In Singapore?

Because when ur child is above 40 years old, people will call him/her "Auntie" "Uncle" anyway.

And from childhood, people will just call ur child "Girl" or "Boy".

So there is no need to take effort & thought to name ur child because other people will just call ur child whatever they like.  It's called age discrimination terms.

Even if u wear name tag, people will still not look. People in Singapore are stupid like that.

Why not go all the way & just name ur child "Auntie" or "Uncle" when he/she is born?  Since u like calling other people "auntie" & "uncle", "boy" & "girl" so much. Since u don't respect other people enough to "remember" their names. Since u only remember ur own name.

Go Undercover for Ur Wedding Banquet Dinner Package Hotel Singapore

Can't decide which hotel to host ur wedding? U'll easily eliminate all ur choices simply by going undercover to check up on them.

Go backdoor instead of the front. Don't choose based on catalogues, pretty photos & reviews. 

Many big name 5-6 stars hotels/resorts, once u look behind, u will never choose them for ur banquets. Poor hygiene & rotten managers & staff. U will be surprised & appalled by how things are done.

Go undercover for the hotel/s under ur consideration.  Just sign up for any of the popular recruitment agencies.

1) U'll officically be paid per hour. 
2) Takes only a few hours from start to finish. Typically evening slot for banquets. Example: 4pm or 5pm till 11pm or midnight.  For earlier timings, typically, u'll be able to see how the event is set up from tables to cutlery, which is most informative if u're looking at hygiene standards.

Overall, working as staff for just a few hours, whether earlier or later timings, u'll be able to see the behaviour of the management staff. And decide whether u want to give them ur money. 

This is the crucial part:  Whether u want to give them ur money.

Without a doubt, you'll be offended in various ways, depending on the hotel.

1) Just looking older than the teenagers, u'll face age discriminating comments.
2) U'll sit on the floor/carpet the moment u enter the assembly area. No dignity of any chairs. U will sit until u are "selected". 
3) One of the managers scans each one like choosing prostitute or animal. "You!" manager points with his finger at you. "Up!". "Go over there.". U will wait ur turn & if u are older than the others, it'll feel like u are the dregs that nobody wants.

If u can hold in ur temper & ur opinions (remembering u are undercover), u will then proceed with the "job". U will proceed to see more of the operations.

Just 1 time at a hotel is enough to know whether u want to spend money there or not. Either Fail or Pass that hotel.

Basically, since it takes just a few hours to cover 1 hotel, u can check up on all the hotels on ur list in just a few days.

During the job, u can also find out from some of the ladies how it's like working for other hotels. Don't reveal ur intention. Just ask how is this hotel or that hotel & see what they say.

Some of the ladies are very friendly & will immediately tell u what they think at the mention of a hotel's name.

For instance:

Intercontinental: One guy told me the female manager there is crazy. Behaves horribly & unreasonably towards staff. He was forced to go home without pay.

MBS: One lady told me there's a manager there who yells like a mad dog. Not recommended to work there.

Shangri-la @ Orange Grove: The management staff behave strangely there. No details as the guy who told me heard it from other people & they told him to try it to see what they meant. Of course, he's not going to try. The hotel is also located very inaccessibly.

Many of the big name hotels are very sloppy & atrociously poorly managed.  

Reason: The managers or management are uneducated people. They have no academic qualifications. They have awful English.  Awful mentality. They wear suits but behave like hooligans & barbarians. Some are foreigners who think they own their place in Singapore.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Undercover Challenge to Teenagers in Singapore: Disguise Urself to look like "Auntie" "Uncle"

1) Disguise urself to look "old". Without getting ur cover blown for 1 working slot in hotel banquet service.

Using cosmetics or any means necessary, make urself look above 40 yrs old.

2) Get urself hired into a hotel. Any hotel in Singapore. Through recruitment agencies or direct hire. Do something about ur I/C first so that it matches with ur disguise.

3) Work.

4) Experience & observe people's reactions towards you throughout the event. Successful disguise = people will call u "auntie" "uncle". If nobody calls u those terms, it means ur disguise is a failure.  Consider ur cover blown.

Note how many times u are called "auntie" or "uncle" during the event & by whom.

When people call u "auntie" or "uncle", let them know ur name. Example: "call me Joe" or "my name's Joe" or "I'm Joe". Then note their reaction.Will they call u Joe?

5) Write/ Blog about ur observations & feelings at the end of work.

What is your pay for this? Besides the official pay rate per hour, the actual reward is the experience. U don't have to wait to be "old" to experience people's reactions to u. Simply by "switching" to another age group. See what it's like. Also, it's fun undercover experience which can be useful later in ur other experiences.

#age discrimination sg


Sunday, 18 March 2018

Baoshi HR Agency SG Drags Down Hotel Names with Age Discriminating Pay Rates

"Below 40, $X. Above 40, $XX." said the fat man behind the counter whose buttons strained to barely hold the two sides of his shirt together.

Just to be sure, I asked, "What do you mean 40?". 

"Years old." he answered.

So, without doubt. Outright age discrimination right down to the salary.

I said, "This is not fair. Other agencies don't do this.".

He shook it off, "These hotels want younger workers. They pay more for younger. You might work better than them but the hotels still pay the younger workers more.".

Did the guests of those hotels demand to see young workers?

Of course not. It is the hotel management/HR staff that want to see younger workers.

By this method, Baoshi & hotels have a very communist way of filtering out older workers. Simply by paying younger people more. Either the older person tolerates the unjust treatment or walks away. The unfairness is very much a trademark of forced communism.

Of course, it's still free choice.  You can "choose" to work for less knowing that you're paid less just because of your age.

But do you want to work for 1 hour more for $1/hr less than the (younger) person next to you? Both doing the same work at the same time, but you are paid less. 

If you're a true-blooded older Singaporean needing money, it's worse considering that the majority of the "younger" workers are foreign students. 

Can you bear standing beside a student in the same room, knowing that he/she is paid $XX per hour while you are paid $X per hour? It's worse if you look younger than your age & there's no way to change your year of birth.

The hotels represented by Baoshi Agency are many:

Merchant Court.
Park Royal (Lime restaurant).
Crowne Plaza.

The agency also represents at least 2 F&B establishments, such as Limoncello Italian Restaurant & Dempsey Cookhouse & Bar.

And the agency dares to say it wants to expand. Such a company will not expand from such rotten work ethics. Plus, the hotels tarnish their own names by associating with such an agency.

I have not heard of the other well-known agencies practising ageist pay rates. If they were, I don't think they can get away with it, particularly TCC with actively busy older workers who talk freely with anyone who asks.

People talk. People compare.

If an agency wants to profit more off of every hour of a person's pay, I can understand that it's their way of making money.  But don't pull stunts like age discrimination or gender discrimination.

The bigger the recruitment company with a physical location & with more staff, the less they pay. So you'll see very low rates per hour at $6.5/$7 to $8/$8.50.

That's their way of profitting from human trading.

So different agencies will pay different rates depending on how much they want to "eat" out of your pay.

Take for instance CNY. Direct hire pays $15/hr. For the same hotel, different agencies will pay $10/$11/$12/$13. Meaning, for every hour, they take $5 to $2 per hour off from every worker. That's a lot of money for just 1 event depending on the number of people hired. People easily work 9 to 12 hours or more.  Comparable to an excellent 1 month graduate's salary from just 1 event from other people's sweat.

Since they are already earning so much from my sweat per hour, I will not tolerate further pay-based age discrimination deduction from my pay.

I have put up with various shit in various companies in Singapore but not this.

Rather than work for an age discriminating agency like Baoshi, I would rather work for less for another agency that pays the same for everybody.

And those hotels associated with Baoshi? Such hotels never age-discriminate money. Even if you are old, they still take your money (while running their age discrimination policies). So you can choose to boycott these small & old hotels mentioned above, & take your lovely money to bigger & grander & newer hotels elsewhere with hopefully, better mindsets.  You'll also feel better.           

[Side note:  Big difference of $1/hr = 1 hour less work. Example: 10 hours @ $8/hr = $80. However at $9/hr, you only need to work 9 hours to get $81 (even more than $8/hr). So not only 1 hour less, but also $1 more.]
With this tip-off from Baoshi, I will be looking more closely at other recruitment agencies & asking younger & older workers whether there is any pay rate difference from the same agencies that they are working under.

[Side note 2: An older lady told me that TCC used to have many older workers.  As the pay was low, no young people were interested. The hotels however, preferred younger workers as the older ones didn't seem able to work. So the agency raised the pay to attract more younger workers. So everybody benefits. That should be the way, rather than penalizing older people by deducting their hard-earned salary. TCC takes money once by getting people to buy their $10 compulsory card, whereas Baoshi is greedy & takes $ every hour off of an older person's salary rather than just once.].

Update 3:52am 27 Mar Tues:  I was talking to the older ladies & the topic of age discrimination came up. So I mentioned Baoshi's different pay rates for younger & older people. They were very surprised. They haven't heard of such a thing & these ladies are very experienced in this hotel industry. They couldn't believe it when I told them. When I emphasized that it's true what Baoshi does, they said Baoshi probaby wants to pocket the difference in pay rates.

Update Sun 1 Apr:  Change in pay rates on Thurs 29. 

Sunday, 11 March 2018

How Hard To Get To SP Utilities Singapore

High-priced anomaly in my latest bill. How come gas suddenly $56?? Want to ask how the heck they charge so much when every month the price is not even $8.

1) Can't download their type of fingerprint App & anyway, users complain about it.
2) Can't e-mail because their website says they are experiencing "technical problem".
3) Can't call because of "high volume" & just leave ur contact number & will get back to you. That took $0.85 out of my phone account by the time I finished having to key twice all my digits that their machine said "invalid" .

I don't want to talk about the government.  My only thought is: If I were in another country, I wouldn't be facing this anomaly in my bill. I wouldn't have to care about any Singapore bill or Singapore.

The whole country is overrun by foreigners. You know those China women? They come home every time late at night, so happy chatting out of the shuttle bus from RWS.  They come here all the way to work as what? Waitresses. They come here, happy happy, take up space like they own the place.

Just be a waitress already can live happily in Singapore in some rental flat in central area! In other countries, I read that they prioritize their citizens first, so it's hard for foreigners to gain employment unless they have some qualifications that their own citizens don't already have.

The whole country is falling apart. Even going to hire security officers from Taiwan (China) to guard checkpoints. Yeah, go ahead. Go AHEAD. Rather than improving working hours & salaries for your citizens, you would rather hire foreign help (mercenaries).

When the shit hits the fan, I hope we are outside of Singapore.

Update: In the end, received 2 phone calls from SP. I missed the first one & the lady called again. Even if it's a mistake in billing, I still have to pay for the mistake. Then take a photo of the gas meter & e-mail them before 3 April. And only then, will the next bill be "adjusted" & any refund (?) made.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Ritz-Carlton Millenia Singapore Hotel

Fri 9 Feb  11:44a.m.

For a classy brand name hotel, it's a disgrace how little they pay & how they don't even train their staff.

They say, "We are the Ritz Carlton" as if it means something important when actually, they admit that they pay less than other hotels. And they ask some little girl to call an applicant with, "Are you auntie?" without even a Hi or where she is calling from or who she is looking for.  Age discrimination.

So unprofessionl. Even their security guard is unprofessional & so troublesome compared to other hotels.

The back room is even smaller than other hotels. Like a rabbit hole. And I thought other hotels' were small. Ritz-Carlton is even worse. No class at all.

On 1st & 2nd day of CNY, they say they will pay $XX/hr. And in the interviewer's eyes, it was supposed to mean a lot of money when she said it. it's a big deal when other hotels are also paying that much.

It's true I need the money. But calling me "auntie" is not going to make me rush there for it. Have respect. Train your staff to watch what they say.

The amount you pay on regular days is so little, it's amazing there are still people working for you. And I still have to buy the pants to fit your uniform top.  In other hotels, I just have to buy the shoes & socks (even then, shoes alone is expensive).

I thought I wouldn't mind even if it's little pay because there are no further deductions & it's weekly. But "Are you auntie?" twice on the phone, erased all thought of going to your place.

I have a name. I am not "auntie".

Little Girl Ritz-Carlton on the phone: You represent your company Ritz-Carlton. You make your company lose face on the phone. You should be fired.

It shows that the Ritz-Carlton little girl just put her eyes only on the 2-digit age number & called me.  No goddamn brains. My name is right there & you don't even know how to call a person by name??

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Banquet Server Wedding SG

A wedding is as fake as the cloth-covered tables they banquet on. Strip off the cloth & the table is the cheapest, ugliest wood boards on metal legs. Shocking.

Wedding couples: Be considerate. Don't go on & on with your speeches, teary-eyed & drama on stage while the poor serving staff's feet are hurting so painfully waiting for you to finish your crap.  Don't be so ego.  Your marriage won't last past the stage anyway. All your shallow words that carry no weight.

When you see the true test, don't run away. That's something that requires no words on stage. Do you have the intelligence & resourcefulness to think of a solution yourself & not be swayed or afraid?

Banquet server job is high-class manual labour.

Casual or odd job for a surprising number of young Singaporean ladies & guys. Shows how pathetic this country & this government is. Don't even have better jobs that this.

Banquet jobs pay relatively well & bi-monthly or weekly (or even daily if the agencies are to be believed). The job is simple & easy with own choice of working days & timings if possible.  Long hours are good since the pay is good. No weird short split shifts or whatever.

The best part about the job? While online comments always talk about the pay & free food (food poisoning since it's leftovers), but the best part actually, is not needing to talk to anyone!! No need to cultivate any fake friendlies since it is unnecessary! Every time you go there, it's a different schedule, different grouping, different tasks.  It's great!!  Not a cramped location with the same few people whom you've to bear with every day.  No need to say "good morning" & all the crap.

And though the dress code rules appear strict,  the management don't really care as long as it's not too obvious. For example: heels. Many people actually get away with wearing complete flats even though the rules state a certain heel height. And long, formal black pants? People get away with wearing tight-fitting black jeans.

It's a brain-less job. Just do what you're told until the time everyone is dismissed. No thinking involved & get paid well. 

But there are a few reasons why people don't do banquet for long.

1) Shoes. For ladies, if heels of a certain height are required, you won't be able to walk properly after 4-5 hours on carpet & hard floor, no matter how carefully or slowly you lay your feet every time you take a step. It becomes impossible to walk on those heels after 7 hours max.

2) Casual labour means unstable.  One week, there's only 3-4 days of work & a schedule can be cancelled leaving you with just 2 days of work. It cannot be used as income. Which is why it attracts young people who don't have to pay the bills & only go to school.

3) Long hours on the feet means it excludes older people. Even young people find it tiring & painful on their feet. Not the legs. The feet. The body's weight is concentrated on the heels for many hours.

4) Many top brand hotels aren't considering applicants individually, but using agencies to get their manpower. Bad choice for hotels & applicants & hotel guests. The only winner is the agencies.  Hotels & their guests get lousy staff, applicants get lesser pay & risk delayed payment or no pay. Recruitment agencies are like human traffickers but legally.

5) Those shoes, stockings, pants or skirt that have to be purchased. Unlike other jobs that are flexible with what staff wear, banquet service requires some initial investment. Initial outlay that is difficult when you have no money in the first place. Odd situation where you have to have money first in order to work at this job.

6) Unpredictable ending time. After an event ends, there's cleaning up. After that, it depends. Not knowing exactly when you can leave is a problem especially when your feet are hurting & tired.

7) Super boring. Monotonous. Meltingly Boring.  One whole day is used just to set up 1 wedding banquet at night. And it's just about finding table cloths, putting them onto the tables, getting the cutlery & plates & glasses & arranging them on the tables... while ur feet are hurting in ur heels (if u are wearing heeled shoes for ladies).

Here's where u are reminded of how much or how little they are paying.  Goddamn waste of time. At least, make sure it pays well.

8) If u are male, u better make sure it pays well because it's going to be really manual labour lifting those oval trays of plates & metal cutlery. Not worth the aches & injury.  Do it too long & too often, u might need a chiropractor to set back ur spine back into place.

Monday, 29 January 2018

Humpback Restaurant @ Bukit Pasoh (Oysters Cocktails)

Mon 29 Jan

Passion cannot pay the bills, ok? No matter how "passionate" you are about working at a restaurant, "passion" cannot pay the bills. Cannot pay the high living costs in Singapore.

I was interviewed by a plump Ang Mo woman named Betsan (manager). Was disappointed to see it was an Ang Mo. Probably just as she was disappointed to see that I am not Ang Mo.

Singapore has too many foreigners.  I don't get along well with Ang Mos because their mentality is impractical & they are typically crazy in Singapore.

She said she was expecting an Indian applicant but was surprised to see that I wasn't. I was 30mins early. That should tell her that I am really serious about the job. But that early virtue seemed to just fly past her.

When she pronounced "Indian", I had the distinct impression that she was racist, somehow. Maybe not.  Anyway, I dismissed it.

Her handshake was meaty & enclosed my hand.

Typical of "western" approach, she didn't ask about my age.  Her questions were geared towards testing for "what you would do in this situation" kind of scenarios. Testing experience that I answered to the best of my experience. Answers to which she appeared to agree with.  Not a good test since anyone can still bullshit through with some intelligence. Quite boring, but I just put up with it.  [Wanton Noodle SG did this scenario testing also.]. 

I have learnt in job interviews that it's better to shut up rather than talk.

She kept mentioning "passion" about working in this place, must be "passionate" about making customers come back. "We don't push sales" etc... etc...

I was thinking if your food & location is so good, there shouldn't even be any need to talk about wanting customers to come back. They will come back naturally.

It means your restaurant is not that great.

At one point, she said among the staff, she's considered "auntie".  I just noted it with an "Oh". I was actually thinking that she looked quite young.

She said the oldest staff is 27 years old. "Is that a problem for you?", she asked.

I thought it was odd she said that.

I said, "It's more whether they will be ok with me because I'm not 27.". She looked displeased, so I said, "Anyway, age is just a number." with some frustration while wondering why she's brought up the issue of age.

Immediately, her face eased up & she blurted, "That's what I wanted to hear.".

Odd. Why bring up age if it doesn't matter?  She don't know my age & the female boss who approved my resume for interview don't know my age either.

Throughout her interview, her iphone kept scrolling up with new SMS messages that she would reply to.

After her long talk about the establishment, she asked, "Questions?".

I asked, "Uniform?". She explained that they didn't have any, except that it's casual wear with some rules.

She asked if I was aware of the hourly pay rate. I said yes, from the ad.

Then I asked, "When's your pay day?".  She answered but I detected a slight negative reaction in her reply.

Earlier, I had asked when are the 3 nights that are needed (their minimum) so that I can set aside for her. She couldn't confirm. I said I can start the next day all the way till Sunday if I'm hired today. She said she has other applicants & she "imagines" the boss will let me know by Friday (2 days later).  She said she "don't know" when I can start work.

Just before the interview ended, I confirmed again that they would let me know by "Friday".

The interview ended & she extended her hand. But this time, her handshake was very cold & immobile & only the tip of her hand before she lifted away.

Bad sign.  Still, she vaguely said, "hope to see you..." I didn't hear the rest because she was bending down over somewhere as I was turning to leave.

Of course, Friday came & went & nothing happened.

Throughout the interview, she didn't take any notes, didn't have any application form. Just kept shifting her attention to her iphone. So, how would she be remembering the applicants? Presumably if she found the "right" applicant, she would hire on the spot.

Why wasn't I hired? Because I asked when is their pay day when she had been emphasizing "passion" & "passionate about the job"? 

So I can't even ask when is their pay day? I can't even appear eager to get the job?

Despite her preference for "age is just a number", she started out by telling me that she's considered an "auntie" among her staff & asking me whether it is ok that her oldest staff is 27 years old.

If age don't matter, why bring it up?

And all the "passion" in the world isn't going to put food on the table.  With bills piling up to pay, I need to know when is pay day, unlike some rich Ang Mo woman who only needs to work with "passion" in a restaurant.

Pay me, I work to the best of my ability. Don't talk age.  Don't talk passion.  Everybody works for money.

If you want to live in la-la passion world in your brain, go back to wherever you came from. Don't la-la in Singapore where money is required to pay the bills & food.

If you don't pay your staff, see whether they will continue working for you with "passion".

At least I don't pretend to say I don't know & disrespect the applicant by pushing it to the boss who will be doing the "informing". This tactic is to absolve the interviewer of responsibility.

I'm not angry. Everyone has to pay for their actions & thoughts. Most people are also not themselves & are under the influence of "other things".

Considering the behaviour of all the F&B interviewers I've come across since looking for work,  I recommend that people stop eating at these establishments.

These are very irresponsible, very inconsiderate, very cold people, very dishonest. A lot of fakery. They say 1 thing but do another thing. You dare to eat their food?

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Avoid Ramen Bari-Uma Japanese Restaurant @Tanglin Shopping Centre (Review)

Mon 29 Jan

Do not eat there. Do not work there. Bari-Uma is an example of how rotten the Japanese people are in Singapore.

Since the Japs are so badly behaved in Singapore, they must be worse in Japan. If not for the MOM (Ministry of Manpower), these Japs will jolly well not even pay.

And that is precisely the case in Japan. Japanese companies in Japan don't even pay overtime when they force staff to work overtime. The companies under-declare the amount of time staff work so that they pay less.

Coming from Japan, these Japanese people bring their shit mentality with them to Singapore.

Singaporeans must highlight companies that are shit during the hiring process. Don't just let it go. These companies don't read online anyway, they are uneducated, they are tired. They don't know shit about what customers complain about, they don't know what people say about them, they don't care.

So just go ahead & say the truth. So others will be aware & stay clear of these companies & interviewers.

As mentioned in my previous post, when a job ad constantly appears for weeks or months, it means something is wrong. Especially if the pay is good. Either the job is shitty or the interviewer is picky or they don't really need staff.  It is the last 2.

They don't really need staff & the interviewer is picky, mean & very inconsiderate. You can put all your money on that.

These people think they can just walk away from what they do & carry on as usual.

Bariuma is ramen cooked by the worst inconsiderate, irresponsible assistant Japanese manager named Satoshi. I still have his horrid name card (that I've thrown away).

This fellow's ad has been on Gumtree for months since November last year. The ad was put up again in December & January.  Why has this ramen restaurant not been able to hire anybody since last year?

As of this writing, Monday 29 Jan on which I was supposed to turn up for work, the Gumtree ad is gone.

A week ago,  after the interview which pretty much confirmed that I had been hired, I returned home to find that the ad was still up on Gumtree. And remained so days later.  Suspicious. Perhaps, he's hiring more.

What happened? I gave him the chance to reject my application on the spot on that day. I said, "If you don't need or don't want, just let me know.". He nodded. But after confirming the pay & everything all on his own, he made me wait a week for his staff schedule arrangement that never came & never apologized. Not even a single SMS to apologize.

Terrible. I don't know how many people he's done this to. But he cannot get away scott-free with me.

Do you still want to eat food cooked by such a horrid man? Bear in mind that his disrespectful mentality & behaviour towards job applicants, is also applied to you as a customer when he is cooking in the kitchen.

A week ago, I went to Bariuma at the lousy, ancient Tanglin Shopping Centre for the part-time kitchen crew job that was advertised on Gumtree. Before then, I checked up on the ad poster Satoshi. I discovered that he's been advertising since November last year. Strange that he hasn't been finding staff to still be posting ads even till January.

I SMS-ed the number & the first question was "how older you?".

Age discrimination in horrible English.

Another Japanese company practising ageism. He certainly thinks it's fine. The MOM doesn't control such companies.

As I needed a job, I replied that I hoped age was just a number & no problem because I look younger & work fast.

Do you know how it feels like to have to defend your age like that? Horrible. I mean, come on. Age has never been a problem for me. A 20-yr old can't even swim the Butterfly stroke whereas I can.

This shitty Satoshi took 1 hour to reply. He wanted to me to clarify the hours that I could work.  I gave him plenty of my hours every day.

He said:
I see.
I want to do interview.
when are you free?

The Japs have a weird way of typing their SMS. They split up their lines into paragraphs rather than sentences.

I answered that I was free the next day anytime.  It was another hour before he replied.

The long hours in which he took to reply was a bad sign.

Next day morning,  I arrived early & met this pale, round-faced Japanese man with shifty eyes. I didn't like the look of him, looked dishonest, but I dismissed it.  He was oddly evasive in his approach when he saw me. Kinda moved side-to-side avoiding me rather than approach directly. Don't know what's wrong with him.

I politely said that I was early for the interview & I don't know who (whether it was the manager) I was SMS-ing. He volunteered that he was Satoshi.

We sat & he pottered in the kitchen for a bit (shorter time than other interviewers I've met who purposely dragged). Then he "apologised" in his Japanese language as he took the seat opposite from me with his file of forms & business card.

Usual questions. Then he asked "IF" United Square outlet needed, would I be willing to go there? I said no, it's too far for me. His face showed weird displeasure with a weird awkward smile as he looked away & commented that bus 166 could go there.

Really? A bloody foreigner knows my country's bus better than me, eh? Whether it can or cannot go, I explained that it would take too much time (more than 1 hr) to get there. Whereas it only takes 30 mins to get to Tanglin.

He didn't say more about it. Continued his interview with "Have you been to Japan"? When I nodded, he said, "Really?".

For goodness' sake, he doesn't even know that Singaporeans are well-travelled. I stopped myself from saying that I went there alone for 2 weeks.

As if to check if I was lying, he asked, "Where?".

I said, "Fukushima. Niigata.". I didn't say the rest.

That's when he said the restaurant is from Hiroshima. (Well, I ain't going to the place that was bombed. I saw the Life photographs of the aftermath & the suffering. It's not a place to go to because of the horror.).

The interview went so well,  to the extent that he was even negotiating with me how much is my pay per hour.  My previous job paid well on regular days & higher on weekends. So, I wanted at least the minimum regular day pay.

As I was too honest, I failed to lie that I had kitchen experience. It gave him the chance to peg me as "no experience" with a lower pay.  Although I had applied for kitchen crew position, it was obvious he was now preferring my being a server instead of kitchen staff.

He said that if I could do both kitchen & server, he would pay more (50 cents more to reach my mininum pay requirement.). I said fine.

After being satisfied with almost all my days that I was giving him to do as he liked, he noted that it was in fact full-time (although it was part-time because I could choose which days I wanted to work). He asked me how much total salary I wanted. I said upwards of $1000. 

He then started helpfully calculating for me how much I would be getting after CPF. Much more than I expected.  I thought it was rather considerate & meticulous of him to calculate for me, as if he was looking out for his staff & making sure that I would be happy.

He even went to the extent of explaining when the salary is issued (payroll), whether I was ok with it & how & when it was going to be issued (cheque). And how my hours were going to fit into his scheduling. He explained that he would need me to submit my available days every week on Wednesday (after which, no changes allowed etc...).

He appeared to really & deeply consider everything such that there was little doubt that I had been hired.

He even asked what size uniform I would be wearing "S or M?". I asked how many he was providing as I needed to wash. He said if I worked 6 days a week, he would give 3.  How generous, I thought.

He was filling out his Japanese application form as he was interviewing me. The Japs have this weird thing about the type of transport you use to get there. If it's bus, they want to know which number & where.

He was so afraid that I would leave the job that he asked if I would still be looking out for a job after getting this one. And whether I intended to work other jobs together with this one. I had to assure him that, no, I had no intention of doing either one because I don't like doing multiple jobs & I didn't do that even when that damn unagi shop gave me only 3 hrs of work previously. I went home & had no other job. He seemed satisfied that I wouldn't be promiscuous after getting this job.

I haven't seen an interviewer so afraid of high staff turnover as this guy. And since he's so afraid, it means there is high staff turnover. Which means there's a problem with the place &/or working for this guy.

The interview must have been 30 mins. Damn pretty long. 

He asked me when I could start work. I said I could start the next day or the day after. Oddly, he paused, thinking.

He said he wanted all the applicants to start training together, so it would be next week Monday.  Sounds believable, right?

He said he would be texting the staff schedule to me on Saturday. 

He ended by walking behind me to the door & seeing me off in a Japanese way. I almost nodded back as I've seen Japs do while sliding close the door.

For a week, I waited for his text. There was no doubt something was wrong because companies that really urgently need staff, will want applicants to start immediately or on short notice. Not 1 week.

This is the longest I have been made to wait. The worst. 

As mentioned, at the start of the interview, I already told him that if he didn't need, didn't want, just let me know on the spot. Why waste so much time interviewing & talking so much?

And after 1 whole week of waiting, not even an SMS to apologize for making me wait. Terrible.

Some companies if you submit your resume, will say "only shortlisted applicants will be notified". This is a different situation entirely.

In this case, this guy Satoshi was sure he was hiring & discussed everything with the assurance that he would be texting the staffing schedule to me on Saturday.  Yet Friday passed, Saturday passed, Sunday & finally Monday & still nothing.

Come on. If you don't require staff, don't advertise. If you don't intend to hire, don't make the person wait. If you've given assurances & broken them, the least you can do is apologize.

Disrespect. Satoshi the assistant manager, disrespects the individual. Along with other Japanese interviewers in Singapore that I've come across. They completely disregard people & are completely disrespectful. Ironic since everyone thinks so positively of the Japs.

In fact, Singaporeans working in Japan have a cynical & jaded view of the Japs & sound like they look down on Japs.

These Japs shouldn't even be allowed to operate in Singapore. This is my country. They are not benefitting Singaporeans at all.

Japs in Singapore are arrogant, rude, stupid, disrespectful, mean & practise age discrimination.  

Don't be tempted by their higher pay. They are shit. Don't bother applying & don't work there. Even if you do manage to get a job with them, you won't be happy. They have odd hours anyway. And for kitchen crew, you have to waste money & time searching for restaurant kitchen non-slip shoes.

I totally didn't realize about the kitchen shoes until after the interview. Just as well I didn't get the job. I've no money even to continue taking buses there & was trying to think of how to tell the Satoshi fellow that I can't get the shoes (if I say that, he'll most likely cut the pay that we discussed.). 

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Ban Age Discrimination Employment In Singapore

Same as in Japan, Ageism in Singapore happens because the leader of the country doesn't care.

The Prime Ministers & leaders of countries are old men. Why don't Prime Ministers be below 35 years old? All the world's PMs are old. People equate their age with experience & knowledge. Can you trust a PM in his 20s-30s without questioning his ability?

Yet these leaders allow their citizens to be discriminated against based on age. It just means these leaders don't care for their citizens.

In Japan, Ageism has resulted in able & experienced people (from 35 yrs onwards) being dismissed from existence in society, unable to find jobs, unable to pay rent & homeless.No wonder their suicide rate is high.

Age discrimination is no small matter. It destroys people & society.

1) The Singapore government must stop the serializing of identity cards based on year of birth. Many companies & recruiters use the IC number to discriminate applicants soley by age.

Perhaps foreigners don't know it, but there are those who certainly know that the year of birth is visible on a Singaporean's identity card number.

Recruitment persons certainly know it.  In every advertisement, they demand to know the "Age". Sometimes, just "IC number".  The only reason why only the IC number is required when it says nothing about the applicant's ability, is that the number reveals the applicant's age.

2)  It must be made illegal for interviewers to ask for a person's age by any method.  If the interviewer feels that the person is good enough for the job, hire him/her.  There is no need need to disclose age as a number.

After all, salary payment is through bank account transfer, cheque or cash. There is no need to know a person's age.

3) Measures must be in place to prevent companies & interviewers from finding out a person's age. It's no use making age discrimination illegal after the age is already known.

Case in point: Man Man Unagi Japanese Restaurant. 

Despite knowing my age, the manager hired me because staff was needed urgently. However, once hired, I faced age discrimination at the outlets that I was sent to.

Age is supposed to be private information. However...

At another outlet on my 2nd day, the female Japanese manager asked for my IC to take photos to send to the human resource "department". Although I knew she was evil-hearted, I had no choice.

I couldn't avoid giving her my IC. So, I gave & she eagerly took photos with her iphone.

Next day, everybody knew my age. The atmosphere when I stepped in was different from the day before & their reaction was negative. That's how I knew they knew.

The only way they could have known was if the manager showed my IC photo to everybody. I bet even the kitchen guys also knew, even though I talked to nobody.

While I sat with the other staff waiting to start work, one unknown woman (presumably Selina from "human resource") who was hanging around, abruptly called loudly across to me, "Auntie! What shift will you be working at the new outlet?".

I was so stunned by her crudeness & the faux pas that I was speechless for a long while, pissed & waiting for her to apologize.  Of course, her crude stupidity prevented her from realizing there was any mistake & she continued looking at me.

I completely intended to wait all day in the same position I was sitting until she apologised. No hurry.

The malicious-hearted female manager then broke into the silence by calling me by name. So I turned to look at her. The manager repeated the question & I replied coldly.  After that, other staff continued teasing each other's age & playing with age labels "Lau Niang" (old lady) to further make fun of the sensitivity of the matter.

During the work day, the kitchen guy who had a weird habit of looking at me & smiling, abruptly stopped. The server guy who previously talked to me, suddenly ignored me completely as if I wasn't there, even when I asked a question.

When I went over to the new outlet, the kitchen guy from the other outlet was also there. One time, he yelled at me, "Auntie!!" & glared at me with crazy fury over a matter that he had no authority yelling at me over.

Clearly, these are malicious, uneducated people who put down a person using age discrimination to make themselves feel on top. And it's not as if they are children. They themselves are already old.

The kitchen guy is already 25.  Malaysian already married with a young son. In another 5 years, he'll be 30. Yet he looked at me & smiled as if he is still a horny bachelor. Selina, already herself behaving like an auntie, looking around her 30s.

Later in the new outlet, I was forced to write down my IC number on my time card for "human resource department".  I noticed that some other staff didn't bother to write & it was fine.

I noticed the dishwasher was called "uncle" for being old-looking, even though his name is Dave. He has a name, why can't people call him by his name??

Age discrimination.

4) Since Singapore loves campaigns so much,  anti-ageism campaigns should be run to educate people that age discrimination is not acceptable & not tolerated in Singapore.

Asking for a person's age during a job interview is very demeaning for the person. Suddenly, you are reduced to just a number. And what is the point? If a person is 19, so? If a person is 40, so? Why should there be any prejudice that come with someone who wants to work & needs the money?

Who the heck wants to work if the bills can be paid all by themselves?

Whether young or old, the feeling of being discriminated against just because of a number, can be felt.  What these interviewers are doing is very evil. They don't care how the person feels to be rejected just because of the age.

Avoid Working & Eating @ Osaka Kitchen Teppanyaki Japan Food Town Wisma Atria (Singaporean Review)

Do you want to eat food cooked by shallow-minded, evil-hearted Japs? Do you want to eat food cooked by Jap chefs who don't even respect a person, let alone respect the customer?

The last, small unit at the back of Japan Food Town.

If you want to experience age discrimination for being over 40, go to Osaka Kitchen. They will make sure to sneer at you, even though the chefs themselves are already in their 30-40s.

Since they love age discrimination so much, they should go back to Japan!! Why are they in Singapore? They are not even grateful to their host country for allowing them to work here! How dare they sneer at a citizen of their host country.

Come to Singapore bringing their shitty Ageist mentality. No benefit to Singaporeans at all!! Why did Singapore immigration even allow them in?

Likely due to age discrimination in Japan, these Japs can't find jobs & have no choice but to haul their pale, aged asses here.

Since they love age discrimination so much, why don't they also do it to the customers?!  Take people's money when in fact, they are harbouring disrespectful, ageist mentality.

No wonder one reviewer said the chefs are rude.

Initially, I thought maybe it was just a case of 1 reviewer. Even so, because of that review, I avoided going to Osaka Kitchen for an interview despite their advertised pay.

For weeks, the Osaka Kitchen job advertisement has been staying up on the job site. When an ad keeps staying up, it means something is wrong. Either they are picky. Or nobody wants the job.

Since the advertised pay is attractive, it can only mean that there's something wrong with the establishment.

You know why in the Osaka Kitchen reviews, the servers are rude? Because the manager is rude. When the head is shit, the rest is also shit.

With my broke situation & with their ad always up,  my need for money won.  I decided to take a chance. Kitchen crew typically don't need to be teenagers, right?

For the record, I look younger than my age. I move fast & am stronger than I look. I swim the Butterfly stroke.  I appear pleasant-looking & approachable.  With a fresh cut of my hair that takes 10-20 years off my face,  previous day at another interview, the male interviewer in his 20-30s had called me "Miss".

I was quite expecting this interview to go well. 

How was I to know that these Japs are so horny, they even need Kitchen Crew to look like Jap porn stars?

You know how long it takes to walk from Harbourfront area to Orchard Road? 2 hours. More than 5.6 km. I call it "road march" like the army guys.

It was luckily a chilly & windy day. You know that coldest weather for the first time in Singapore?

I wore a thick hoodie & only a drop of sweat dripped down my neck closer towards Orchard.

When I finally arrived, the last unit was dark. Closed because I didn't make it in time before they closed their first half of the split shift.

The bar counter joins the back corner that functions as a standing kitchen. The place is so small, I didn't want to work there just by looking at the "kitchen". Since they are closed, I considered the restaurant across & wondered if maybe I should try there.

Then told myself that since I've come all this way, might as well wait for the interview.

I saw a waiter sitting at a table inside & walked in to ask when the manager would be coming in later. He stood with a reluctant reaction while taking off his earphones & waved over the table.

That's when I noticed a dark form shifting on the bench. That's the manager??

Above the dark form on the bench, another dark form shifted. Two persons??

The manager raised his head & loosely waved a gloved hand.

I said to the waiter, "I'll come back later?".

The waiter turned to me & said, "Yes, later.".

I said, "Around 5pm?".

He tossed a rude "Yeah." while turning back to sit down & plugging in his earphones.

That was already a bad sign. The manager & some other crew sleeping on the bench. And this rude waiter.

At 4.45pm, I returned to see the lights were on. The japs were already pottering behind the bar counter.

I went in with a friendly raise of my hand. "Hi." I said.

The Jap chef behind the counter looked at me with a friendly smile but didn't seem to realize that I had come earlier. So I said I was here for the interview.

The young waitress (quite pretty) who had come forwards thinking that I might be a customer, smiled uncertainly at me even while realizing that I was an applicant.  This is the first time a potential colleague smiles at me when I walk into an interview.

The chef behind the counter immediately realized & passed another Jap man a folder. That Jap man was standing outside the bar counter & he is the manager because his hand was wearing the glove.

It seemed a friendly, lively start. 

The manager, still wearing his glove on his left hand, asked me to take a seat at the bar counter while he took the seat beside.
Some usual questions were asked. Everything seemed fine.

Throughout, I just had the natural tendency to reply "Hai" when speaking with Japs.  Who knows what evil sneers they must have been having.

The chefs seemed like they were fun & nice people. I noticed the chef behind the counter seemed to be pottering with work when in fact, he was hovering close by with very keen hearing (eavesdropping on the interview).

Then the manager asked, "What is your age?".

I instantly felt uncomfortable & said, "40 something.". And since he was about to request for clarification, I gave him the exact number.

The chef who had been eavesdropping, exclaimed my year of birth, "19xx?" with a look of surprise.

In hindsight, it was actually a disgusted look, as if I had just burst his bubble of illusion.

Thinking that perhaps he was pleasantly surprised (in a positive way), I nodded with a sound of affirmation.

The eavesdropping chef just turned away with switch off look.

I turned to the manager beside me & asked, "Why?" (meaning why the surprise at my year of birth). When he didn't reply & continued writing on his piece of paper, I asked again, "Why?".

Without looking at me while writing, the manager replied in a very detached voice, "Nothing.".

I felt it was age discrimination.

The way they reacted was not positive. Their thoughts were dark. If they had good intentions, they should be saying, "Oh, you look so young.".  Not "Nothing." with that cold, switch-off reaction.

The manager then continued interviewing with a very practised way of leading me to think that I might seriously be hired. Very good liar when in fact, they already decided they are not hiring just because of my age.

He even talked about needing to help out outside the "kitchen" when it gets busy. And when I asked about cooking, he irresponsibly said that in time I can do the Teppanyaki cooking. 

Don't be ridiculous, I thought. The Japs have been flown in from Japan to cook. And here he is saying I can take over??  When I asked about cooking, I meant cooking in the "kitchen".

He could say anything because he had no intention of hiring.

Earlier, he had asked me when I can start work & I gave him my schedule (which is everyday starting Wed night).

Despite offering up all my days that no applicant would do,  he said at the end,  "If ok, will contact you to come on Wed night.".

The fact that he said "If ok" means he isn't hiring, isn't calling. It's a waste-of-time, malicious fakery that I notice F&B managers use. Evil-hearted.  They make the applicant wait for nothing & hope for nothing. They waste the applicant's time.

If they really want to hire, they wouldn't say "If". They will hire on the spot.

They say "If ok" so that it excuses them from not hiring. They waste the applicant's time & they don't care. Very irresponsible, dishonest & evil-hearted tactic.

You dare to eat food cooked by such people?

If they don't want to hire, don't waste further time pretending to want to hire. If they are afraid the applicant might make noise on the spot, just be considerate in providing the shortest time that the applicant should wait for an answer. This is the correct, honest way.

Instead of doing this, many F&B interviewers will fake their way through with no intention of hiring & let the applicant hang for days.

In this case, Osaka Kitchen has no intention of hiring. There is also no urgency to hire because it obvious they already have enough staff in that tiny space that they call a "restaurant".

Earlier when the manager asked me when is the earliest I can start & I said Wed, he had said, "Next Wednesday?".

Why would he say "next" Wed if he needs staff?  I thought it was odd for him to say that. I was thinking, "Of course, it's this Wed. Why would it be more than 1 week away?".

I offer all my days for work & favourable in appearance & can start soonest. But just because of my age, they don't hire. How stupid these Japs are.  Very immature & unprofessional.

Here's the review from the customer I mentioned above: Click to enlarge.

Blacklisted companies practising Ageism:

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Blacklisted Companies in Singapore Practising Age Discrimination

Wed 17 Jan 11:38a.m.

Singapore law must make Ageism illegal at job interviews. Age discrimination by such companies destroys the people & society.

In Japan, Ageism has gotten to such an extent that many Japanese who can still work, become homeless. The rising number of homeless in Japan is unnessary.

A homeless problem is created simply by not employing people over the age of 35.

A forklift operator laments that nobody looks at his experience but only looks at his age. A Japanese man cried when a nurse simply said "hello" to him because Japan's society has alienated him just because of his age.

It's terrible. For all Japan's natural beauty, there is such ugliness.

Still in love with Japan's culture & society? The Japs have never changed since WW2. Still the same horrible people with a veneer of civility. They are honest. Honestly Ageist. And they think it's fine.

They bring their shitty mentality to Singapore & apply it to Singaporeans & think it's all fine. These people are just plain evil. Their WW2 genes never die. 

Do you want to eat food cooked by such evil-hearted people? Many F&B establishments, if you notice have no older workers. Why?

Even if you look youthful, such companies only just look at your age. Such a terrible thing must stop.

These companies are not befitting Singaporeans. 

You may say "Oh, it's not my problem because I'm still young.".

Well, if you are now 25, you'll be 30 in 5 years' time. Another 5 years, you'll be 35. Another 5, you'll be 40. The years pass in the blink of an eye. If you think ageism is not your problem, then you better make sure you don't live older to experience age discrimination.

Since the Japs enjoy practising Ageism, they should go back to Japan to do it. Don't come to Singapore to do it! The MOM must make it known that Ageism is not acceptable & such companies will be blacklisted.

Blacklisted companies in Singapore practising age discrimination:

1) Man Man Unagi Japanese restaurant. Keong Saik & Duo Galleria.
2) Osaka Kitchen @ Japan Food Town Wisma Atria
3) Kushikatsu Tanaka @ Clarke Quay.
4) Wanton Seng's Noodle Bar @ Amoy Street

Do you want to eat food cooked by these people who have no respect for the individual? Why don't they also practise ageism towards customers? They want money but they in fact have no respect for people. How can they be expected to cook anything worth eating?

An interviewer shouldn't even be asking for a person's age. If the interviewer finds the person favourable & willing to work, that is good enough. But these interviewers ask, "What is your age?". This is really terrible. Even though the interview starts out well, this question will suddenly be asked. The rest of the interview then continues in all fakery, letting me think that they are interested. Finally, the interviewer says, "If ok, will let you know by XX day.".

Of course, "let u know by..." is a code phrase for 'don't want'. It's horrible that such interviewers intentionally lead the person to believe in a non-existent hiring when in fact, the interviewers are wasting their time & the applicant's time. They already decided they don't want just based on the applicant's age.

Such companies in fact, also don't really require staff. Yet they advertise. If really urgent, a company will hire immediately.

The way these people behave upon finding out my age, is awful & immature. They themselves are not young, easily in their 30s-40s. Yet they have the gall to age discriminate other people.

Since they carry the ageist mentality, they had better make sure they don't live past 40.

Just because they think 40s must be old-looking & I look youthful, they feel disgusted that I have upturned their own shallow expectations & tiny world view. Jealousy. Evil-hearted. Dark intentions.

If an applicant looks old & shrivelled, of course, you may not hire due to company image for front line staff. But the applicant looks favourable & just because of a number, you don't hire, that's really extreme discrimination, malicious & evil. Unprofessional & immature.

Do you want to eat food cooked by such disgusting people?