Tuesday 29 December 2015

Kuroko no Basket: Saikou no Present Desu (Explanation of Hyuuga's "waga mama body")

2:48pm. Wed 30 Dec

I just finished watching.  Didn't know they made this. At 18:22 (video time), the translator couldn't understand what the captain Hyuuga/Hyuga said. "Waga mama body" (referring to the sexy body of Alex). 

A lot of translators always think "waga mama" means selfish. Actually, it more accurately means "reckless".  That's why in this instance, the translator couldn't understand what Hyuuga meant.  If you translate "waga mama" as "selfish body", it makes no sense.

The Chinese translation/words at the bottom is correct. It means "wild" or "reckless" body.  In other words, Hyuuga was saying, "What a wild body!".  Or "What a recklessly sexy body".

It's also strange that Kagami said "today" Tokugawa Ieyasu was born. According to translations, it's 31st January. But why would Kagami say January?  "Today" that they are celebrating Kuroko's birthday is 31st December. 


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