Wednesday 20 July 2011

James May's Things You Need To Know About The Human Body

That's why you can't eat a banana anymore.
That's why don't kiss me and I won't kiss you.
That's why I try to avoid meat and sushi.
That's why you must change your bedsheets often.
That's why don't touch anywhere on your face after touching a public object. 
Oh, you poor teenagers looking like pizzas...!
That's why we need lots of anti-oxidants and exercise.

"Our bodies still peak between 20 and 35. After that, it's a slippery slope to the grave.".
That's why I have to hurry and finish the things I have to do.
Everyday, I wonder how much time I have left.

"By 60, your eyes let in two-thirds less light than they did at twenty.".  
How am I going to see and write then?
I have constantly thought of this.

Sorry, I don't want to be a machine.
I would rather have my own mind in my own body that will stay young forever.
Trust my bro to have uncovered this BBC wonder.
BBC always makes the best documentaries.
I love Sir David Attenborough. And now, I like James May.

Even though I already know the stuff on DNA, it's still very refreshing to watch this fun and funny episode.

Bro asked me to watch it before You Tube decides to delete it. Pity.
I'm already thinking of getting the DVD.

You Have To Watch This. Aired on 20 June 2011. In 2 parts on You Tube:

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