Monday 28 November 2011

Proud of This Girl

On Yahoo news--besides the China guy who made an ipad replica from scratch for his girlfriend (that I'm sure China people are going to rave about how great they are now)--is this more important and thumbs up Kansas City teenager, Emma Sullivan, who Twittered a negative comment about her governor and refuses to apologize. 

That's the way to go! This is what I mean with regards to recent SG people being forced to retract their comments on personal blogs, social sites such as Facebook and even in an own memoir. 

This girl says to apologize would be insincere. Therefore, she refuses. Only 18 years old and already knows this. I applaud her and her mom for bringing her up to be such a fine example. 

While her mom acknowledges that her daughter could have "chosen different words", she also notes that the language is the lingo of teenagers talking among friends. More importantly, the mom supports her daughter's decision:

"I raised my kids to be independent, to be strong, to be free thinkers. If she wants to tweet her opinion about Gov. Brownback, I say for her to go for it and I stand totally behind her.".

She's a very lucky kid to have such a mom. 

Even with scolding from her principal who "instructed" her to write a letter of apology and even "offered talking points for how the letter should be written", the girl has stood by her words. 

A principle behaving in such a way. I bet if possible, the principal would lick the governor's shoes to polish it and write the letter of apology himself.

In the update at the end of the news, it says the governor has apologized to the girl. "My staff over-reacted to this tweet, and for that I apologize.  Freedom of speech is among our most treasured freedoms.". 

Freedom of speech is among our most treasured freedoms. How nice to hear. How wonderful it is.

This girl is lucky to be able to voice her political opinion honestly without any harm, and even receive an apology from the governor. Whether there will be any future negative consequences later is left to be seen. But for now and perhaps for the future, her voice and strength may prove to be something.

Who knows, maybe she will be the next governor. :)

There is a Chinese proverb: 君子一言, 四马难追. 
Translation: Once a gentleman has spoken, even a four-horse chariot cannot chase up. 
Meaning: Gentleman's Word of Honor = Once you have spoken, you cannot retract it, must stand by what you said.

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