Monday 19 December 2011

Early Morning ...Disturbance

Early Morning...Disturbance
2011-12-20 12:09

To me, it's early morning because I wake only in the afternoon.

I was waiting for the Speedpost man to deliver some stuff. Speedpost is late. Usually, they are faster. As of yesterday, the package was still at their sorting center.

These days, I feel very restless, distracted from what I'm doing. Don't know why. I think I'm restless for distraction. It's a very bad trait of mine. Like coming here to post, when I'm supposed to be working on my stuff. -.-

It's 11.16 a.m. for heaven's sake (after I brushed my teeth and washed my face and replied to an e-mail). AARGhhh...

I was sleeping, when there was a light knock on the main door. The knock sounded a little too light, I thought.

Usually, Speedpost man knocks a little harder. Our doorbell is spoilt, it keeps spoiling even after "fixing" and putting in new batteries.

I rushed out of bed, looked into the peephole and saw a man with 2 thick, dark straps around his shoulders (haversack). Seemed to have a long (name) tag around his neck. No box.

It didn't occur to me that this was NOT the Speedpost man.

Usually, I'll just look into the peephole and open the door almost automatically, as though looking is just a procedure.

This time, I looked and even though I saw signs that it wasn't the Speedpost man, I still opened. -.- That's how bad I wanted to see the Speedpost man.

After opening the door a little, Bro went to see the man (I just got out of bed). My rushing out is to intercept the Speedpost man before he walks away with my undelivered package.

I stood behind the door and heard the man say he wanted to check our kitchen.

Bro looked at me annoyed and said in a low voice, "You shouldn't have opened the door.".

Bloody hell.

I was displeased with the what-the-heck was standing outside. Woke me up from my sleep, Not the person I'm waiting for (who the hell is he?), rudely asks to enter our house to check the kitchen (without showing or introducing his ID).

Bloody Hell. If I don't scold him, consider himself lucky.

Bro and I didn't say anything.

From behind the door (without the man seeing me), I pulled closed our gate that was ajar, closed the door, locked it, leaving the man standing outside.

I don't care if he waits there.

Bloody Hell. Wake me up early in the morning and dares to say he wants to come into our kitchen.

Number 1: No notice was passed about this. Even if it was put into the mailbox, I don't care.

This is our house. He has no right to enter.

Not even the gas man can come in. I read the gas meter inside the house for him and report to him the numbers. I don't know what the numbers mean, but that's what he gets.

In the past, we used to let in gas men, but not anymore.

Number 2: Even if we were to let him in, I'll need to call first to check his credentials. Who the hell is he? And why should I spend effort checking him when just shutting the door would do?

For all we know, he may be fake. I'm only assuming I know where he's from and what he's checking.

And where the hell is the Speedpost man?

Bro kept saying I shouldn't have opened the door, which annoyed me further. He said, "There was no box what. You could see he had no box.". Tsk.

After a while in the kitchen, where I voiced my upset opinions while brushing my teeth and washing my face, with a lot of "Bloody Hells", Bro went to look into the peephole again.

He said the man was gone. I said if he's not, let him stand outside and wait. He can knock all he wants. If I don't open the door and scold him, he should consider himself lucky.

These days, I don't have much patience. It feels as though I'm just waiting for someone to step into my line of fire.

I said he probably went to find reinforcements.

Bro said not likely, since we didn't let him in the first time, and there was already a second man with him.

Second man? I thought I saw only 1.

I said even he gets reinforcements, I won't let him in.

I'm sure we are not the only ones not letting him in (that's why he knew to walk away). Also, there are people working and not at home.

When it comes to real safety issues like the MRT trains, they don't do, don't even have back-up ventilation and lighting. 127,000 people trapped for hours in darkness and no air.

Construction sites, the stagnant water, they don't check either.

Instead they waste money and manpower checking individual kitchens, disturbing people early in the morning. Disturbing Me.

I hate it when I'm waiting for the Speedpost man and some crap comes instead. Especially when I was sleeping.

Now, I'm woken up earlier than usual.

And it's going to rain again. And I've to get to the post office before it does... And I've my own things to do....And I need to jog.... And I cannot find a damn good swimming pool!!!!!

In short, it is never good when I am awakened before my usual time. If it's for the Speedpost man, the package will just be accepted and I'll go back to sleep.

But not when I'm disturbed. Bloody Hell.

And now I've a headache.

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