Wednesday 28 September 2016

Ep 11 Scarlet Heart Ryeo Raw Lee Joon Gi

At some angles, he still looks like that gay man he played in King & Clown. Everytime I see him in any drama, I remember that pretty man in that movie. Amazingly pretty. At that time in the movie theatre, I was so amazed by his first appearance, I immediately thought he was the prettiest woman I had ever seen. Good heavens.

At some angles in Scarlet Heart Ryeo, he still has that look, even though he is older now. He himself said his skin is not as tight as before. Yeah, but ... he's still pretty and handsome at the same time.

He's actually quite small-sized compared to other men. That's must be why they got him to play that gay prettiness in King & Clown.

He looks small-sized lying in the bed (below).  Makes a man feel protective over him. Still emitting that gay aura. Look at his hand. So small & pale. Makes me want to hold it.  Other men's hands are bigger although his hand is bigger than a woman's (Hae Soo's hand).  In a behind-the-scenes episode, Baek Ka (don't know the actor's name) playfully folds Joon Gi's hand into a fist, clasps it completely in his hand and holds it. Then in this episode, Ji Mong's hand is also bigger when he holds Joon Gi's wrist for pulse.

Surprisingly, despite his feminine looks & small size, his voice is very strong & very deep. Surprising to hear such deep manly voice coming from him, particular during interviews.

Click to enlarge:

Pretty and handsome at the same time.  Even more so now when ill with poison. When he's awake & well, he looks different, older face with looser skin around the mouth. Here he looks almost like his role in King & Clown. So handsome princely look: I want to kiss his lips. You know he's got cupid bow lips? Very kissable-looking.  His Adam's apple makes him look very sexy. 

Very sexy manly soft ill moan/groan from him: 

You can see he's much smaller-sized than Baek Ka behind him. In front is the 8th prince. Imagine if these 2 were to gang up against him.  Sexy position.

Even the doctor's hands are bigger than his:

This idea of training for poison, is also same as what Prince Zen did in the Japanese anime Akagami no Shirayuki (Snow White with the Red Hair).

Prince Zen was poisoned by an apple he ate on behalf of the young girl he loved. But didn't die because of his high resistance to poisons which he trained himself for. During the training, he suffered but the result is that he won't die so easily especially when an antidote is given.

Makes me wonder if it's really possible to train for such a thing. How to train for it?

Funny part.  Hae Soo's reply means yes, he's a pathetic man.

I am watching Ep 2 again & everyone looks so fresh. This scene, Wang So so proudly walking every step of the way not knowing that he'll risk his life for her. At this point, if u told him he'll love her & risk his life to protect her, he'll laugh & smirk it off.


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