Monday 27 August 2012

Faith Ep 5 The Great Doctor (English Subs/Translation)

Update 3 Sept Mon:  I have actually been bugged by my translation for the part where Gi Cheol meets the King regarding the blood-stained message. The Chinese subs were difficult to understand (due to the politics involved). I would have left it at that, but for that comment (comments section) for this post, I am encouraged to continue translating and have taken another look at that part.

So, I have edited it by viewing the Chinese subs again while also considering episode 6. It seems clear now that Gi Cheol was trying to frame the previous king who is only a boy.

Update 29 Aug Wed: Epdrama has finished English subs.

Ok, the Chinese version is out already this morning I checked @ 11.53 a.m (Tues 28 Aug).

It's not that I'm translating to post. I translate it because I need to understand the Chinese subs myself. And translating it carefully word for word helps me to read in detail and more carefully. It takes Loads of Time. If I were not translating it, I'll just read over certain parts that I don't bother finding out the English meaning for while watching, although it saves a lot of time and I still get to know what is being said.

The English subbed version on Epdrama should be out tomorrow 29 Aug, maybe evening.

Meanwhile, I am watching the Chinese subbed first. And translating some of it here.

Gi Cheol: Your Majesty, I am Deok Song, Gi Cheol. Rushed here to see you. But why are there such strange rumors? Heaven's door, heaven's doctor, doctor god (Eui Seon). Even though your Majesty is young, stayed in another country too long, what you see, what you hear is all a mess, but you are the king here. Who is it, who dares spread rumors into his Majesty's ear and stir the divine heart? Is it you, demon? You, demon disguised as a woman. Answer me.

(zine ed: Hahaha... Eun Soo is totally all woman. So womanly. And cute too.).

Doc Jang: Can't run away. If you run now, you'll be dead.
Eun Soo: Don't tell me he'll really kill me?
Gi Cheol: Demon, still not answer quickly?!
King: Indeed, indeed. So, Gi Cheol is the Secretary of State. When I was in Yuan, Qi empress always mentioned you. I am also aware that I am here today, is also thanks to your sister.

(zine ed: Gi Cheol is elder brother of Empress Qi).

Gi Cheol: You know it's thanks to who?
King: Returning here from Yuan, Empress Qi  had said, "when you return to your country, Excellency Deok Song will watch every move you make. So, there is no need to worry. Consequently, he will also not observe the courtesies to you the king. Even if he steps right up to your throne, don't be alarmed. If his rude manners frighten Goryeo's chancellor, don't be surprised. Deok Song Gi Cheol, Empress Qi's elder brother, is not that he is disloyal to the king. But that he is too loyal, not able to control his impulse." See, he is afraid I am being hoodwinked, and looks so worried. That loyalty.

(zine ed: O.O Either Empress Qi did not say that and King is making it up, meaning he is really ... crafty himself. Or Empress Qi really knows her brother well. The tables have turned and Gi Cheol seems momentarily surprised, speechless. His look is like... "Lemme get this straight".).

Gi Cheol: Then, is your Majesty saying she is really from Heaven? Really believe this absurd lie?
Empress: Yes. I, your Empress, daughter of Yuan King, after leaving Yuan, my throat was hacked by unknown assassin along the road. It was doc god who joined back my neck. On this soil, such a doc with such skills, can there be another?
Doc Jang: You gotta look as though you came from Heaven.
Eun Soo: What do you want me to do??
Court Lady Choi: Don't cry, don't panic.
Doc Jang: Just act like when you're in Heaven, will do.
Gi Cheol: Ahh... Young, pitiful Majesty. Empress. Who caused you guys to believe? Is it Royal guard Choi Young? It was Choi Young who brought that demon. Hoodwinked you two into thinking she is from Heaven? I heard that's the case, is that it? Where is the royal guard Choi Young? Quickly take out that despicably disloyal rascal.
Eun Soo: That won't do.
Gi Cheol:  So, the demon can speak human language.
Eun Soo: That... royal guard Choi Young, he is my patient. Without my permission as his doctor,  nobody is allowed to take him away.
Gi Cheol: You little woman...
Eun Soo: What?
Gi Cheol: You little woman, how dare you anyhow speak in front of me.
Eun Soo: Watch your words! You speak to whoever without courtesy and are impolite. I'm really... Although I don't know how I got dragged into this crappy place... I can't believe you called me a little woman at my age. How old are you? 
Gi Cheol: W..What? 

(zine ed:  Oh...hahaha!  :) No wonder he is speechless. So rudely outright asked for his age. And he's so obsessed about his skin, doing facials...). 

Eun Soo: No matter what, I am Gangnam cosmetic (/plastic) surgeon. Meaning, I get 3 to 4 cases of threats from patients and their relatives every month. You think you're the only one who can be impolite, pretending to be elegant?  Because we are before his Majesty,  so I've been withholding. I guess I'll stop here. (Goes to the king) Your Majesty,  I have a patient urgently needing me, I would like to go back first. Could I leave? 

King:  You may go, doc god.
Eun Soo: You scared me!
Gi Cheol: You demon, do you wish to die?
Eun Soo:  Your Majesty, he said his name is Gi Cheol, right?  Ohh... I remember now. Gi Cheol, Empress Qi, King Gong Min...It even came out in the exams!  I may not look it, but I'm good at exams. Anyway, it won't be long before Yuan dynasty is destroyed. (starts reciting the dynasties) T... Tang... Song.. Yuan.. Ming... Yep, indeed it will be Ming dynasty. Soon, Yuan dynasty will be destroyed and Ming dynasty will be set up.

(zine ed: Those nursery rhymes are pretty good! How did the Koreans think of that?!).

Eun Soo: Right, and Gi Cheol, I also remember now how you died.  But I won't tell you. Because you're unlucky.  Hey you... f**k go to hell.... (huffing)  Now then...
Doc Jang: Well done.  Though it was a little overboard, but it was good.

(zine ed: Yeah... she completely knocked Gi Cheol speechless). 

Doc Jang: So, doc god, you will be re-taking the royal guard as your patient?
Eun Soo: I don't want to continue staying in this kind of crappy place. I've had enough. I have to go back, but besides him, who else is willing to take me back? 

(zine ed: Actually, I've been thinking, that if I were her, I would have left to find the way back, at the start. As she had earlier observed, the further they leave the doorway, the more difficult to return to it.).

Eun Soo: So, I have to save him. By whatever methods.
Doc Jang: The area of the stitch has festered with pus.
Eun Soo: Need to re-open the wound.

(zine ed: Actually, I think no need to re-open the wound. Possible to put antibiotic poultice over the wound? Re-opening it traumatizes the body that's already wounded/weak. And will just cause re-infection. That's why Choi Young almost died.)

Eun Soo: The re-opening of the wound will release a lot of pus.
Doc Jang: Pus?
Eun Soo:  Fluid.  The surrounding grey white areas are already dead. Although don't know the extent of it, but need to debride (surgically remove the rotted areas).
Doc Jang: Similar to your sterilizing water, should be pig hoof soup. Let the soup follow the needle into the patient.

(zine ed: soup? One of the docs must have killed him.) 

Doc Jang: It'll guide out the rotten flesh and pus. From there, new flesh will form, removes gas in the intestines, removes rotten flesh and treat the flesh that's about to rot.

Grey Scape:

Father: Still can't let her go? 
Choi Young:  Still can't let her go. Can't do it.

(zine ed: beautiful music)

Girl: No need to worry about your back. I'll always be at your back.
Choi Young:  Don't leave my sight.  Then I can protect you.

(zine ed: What was her name? By committing suicide, first she is letting Choi Young down, breaking her promise. Second, she wasted her teacher's saving her with his life. Wasted his sacrifice.). 

Back in medicine room: 

Dae Man: Doc god, Doc god!
Eun Soo: I really don't understand... why is it like this? (speaks to Doc Jang) I say, that Psycho, we already spent the night removing all the pus. Blood circulation is also Ok. Blood pressure normal. Fever has gone. Why is he still unconscious? Why??
Doc Jang: This isn't the first time the Captain has been wounded by a sword. Because his inner power is deep , even without herbs, he is able to recuperate on his own.

(zine ed: Wahh... he is so super!).

Eun Soo: That's really great. Then why isn't it working this time?
Doc Jang:  Middle doctors treat the person,  lower doctors treat the sickness. Lower-skilled doctors treat the patient's sickness, medium-skilled doctors treat the patient's body. Although doc god healed his sickness, yet did not cure him.  (zine ed: Earlier, I had mentioned that only love can bring Choi Young back. Update from epdrama English translation: So, is Doc Jang saying Eun Soo is ...  a lower grade doc?).
Eun Soo: When I was in school, my professor nagged everyday. No matter how perfect a doctor's treatment or how successful an operation, if the patient has lost the will to live, nothing can be done.

[zine ed: I disagree because the view is assuming that doctors are so great (arrogant view). Reality: If the doctor's skill and treatment are lousy, even if the patient wants to live, nothing can be done. Reality: Even if a patient has fighting spirit to live so much, doctors and their treatments will kill that will to live and kill that patient]. 

Doc Jang:  In Heaven, there are also people who have lost the will to live?
Eun Soo: But I didn't want to see that.  Do you know why I switched from surgery to cosmetic surgery? I am good at surgery. You saw that. I'm very capable at it. I received a professional license for chest surgery. Our department chief is Korea's most skilled lung cancer specialist, very famous for his operation time that is 1.5 times quicker than others. Learning from him, I got 1.2 times the speed. What I wish to say is, it's true I am good at surgery and I like it, but I hate patients. 
Doc Jang: A doctor who hates patients? 
Eun Soo: That's why I switched to plastic surgery. Moreover, it is cosmetic surgery.
Doc Jang: Plastic, cosmetic...
Eun Soo: Surgery, besides the risks, there is no money in it. Double eyelids surgery, once such a simple surgery is completed, the immediate profit is 50,000 to 100,000. But a belly operation that takes a few hours,  the sort of surgery that gets you so tired you can't even stand steadily after it is completed, do you know how much is the profit? That is... You totally don't get my meaning, right?

(zine ed: Yeah, neither do I. What the heck is she saying? Is she saying she is a doctor who goes for only money? That she is actually a lousy horrible person and a doctor?).

(zine ed: Hahaha! Doc Jang's shake of his head is sooo cute!! It's like a circular shake. Adorable!).

Doc Jang: Have you killed a patient? 

(zine ed: Hey, that's a good question. Doc Jang understood after all. Brilliant! I bet she did...). 

Eun Soo: No. You think it's like filming a drama? Assuming I killed a patient, and feeling guilty, that's why... Really. The patients I operated on and were responsible for, are all doing well, none dead.
Doc Jang: Then, you are afraid you might slip up and kill them.  (zine ed:  Way to go, good analysis, Doc Jang!). 
Doc Jang: If captain Choi Young dies, he will be the first patient whom you, doc god, killed.

(zine ed: Doc Jang is brilliant. He figured her out.).

In Gi Cheol's room: 

Gi Cheol's adviser:   Definitely a bunch of lies. The words of that demon, every word, every sentence, is all rubbish. 
Guy: That's strange. You're the king's man. How come you're doubting it the most now? 
Adviser: Just a demon, creating such chaos in a country. I really can't stand it. Do you know what rumors are at court? In order to assist the new king, the doc god was bestowed by Heaven.
Guy: Frankly, when that woman speaks in front of me, I also get creeped out.  She completely disregards us.  And she said Yuan dynasty days are numbered,  going to end. Not only that, she even knows when my brother is going to die.  (zine ed: Eun Soo said she knows "how" Gi Cheol will die, not when).
Adviser: I told you so many times, it's demon words swaying the public.
Guy: You! You also heard her curse. Those officials who were there, all said, that curse is a death curse.
Gi Cheol: Need to meet that demon again.
Guy: You didn't say, I was actually going to bring her to meet you. Those scumbag royal guards surrounded me, said the king had orders that no one could see her, didn't allow me to see her. 
Gi Cheol:  If it's the royal guards, is it Choi Young? I said to bring him to me.  He is the person I want.
Adviser:  Actually, this matter is a little strange. The royal guards are tight-lipped, it's difficult to find out anything, but I was still able to...
Gi Cheol:  Get to the point.
Adviser:  Choi Young was cursed. 
Gi Cheol: Cursed?
Adviser: That doc god personally went to the military quarters, I guess Choi Young offended the doc god at that time. Someone said he received doc god's curse.  Anyway, since then, he has been sickly.  Now, seems his life is hanging on a thread.
Guy: See? It's a curse!
Adviser:  I already said, that's all just rubbish. 
Gi Cheol:  I need to see his Majesty.


Gi Cheol:  Deok Song Government House, Gi Cheol to see the King.
King: Ah. All of a sudden this grand greeting, I'm too surprised and let you kneel too long.

(zine ed: What a cunning king. )

King: Sit as you like. What is it that brings you here this hurriedly this late of night?
Gi Gheol: A few days ago, your Majesty gave me a copy of the secret imperial edict. I am here to respond to your Majesty.
King: Ah! The 24 loyal officials who were simultaneously poisoned.The note that was discovered there. That's right, I did order someone to give it to you. 
Gi Cheol:  The position of Kangnam is finished, hope that the days will allow great things to be done.
King: Your reply?
Gi Cheol:  The position of Kangnam is finished, Kangnam is in position, tips the boat and dies.  Here the meaning of "Kang nam"...
King:  Refers to me when I was Lord Kangnam.  Continue.  (zine ed: the name Kangnam was his old name before his ascension to the throne).
Gi Cheol:  Hope that the days will allow great things to be done...looking for a chance to do something great,  the meaning is...
King: Here writes "choal", this word can also mean King Gyung Chang.  (zine ed: Gyung Chang is the boy King in Ep 6).
Gi Cheol: Then can I explain? 
King: Let's hear it.
Gi Cheol: When Lord Kang nam ascends the throne, my  Lord Gyung Chang will be finished.  The loyal officials helping your Majesty.
King: This is the copy of that edict. After acquiring this, is to protect the group that was set up to protect the previous king Gyung Chang. 
Gi Cheol: Besides this, I have nothing to say. If it were not Lord Gyung Chang who is being released, who would write such a secret edict?   (zine ed:  Gi Cheol was trying to frame the boy king?).
King: Then after receiving this, who killed all those gathered?  Who is it? 
Gi  Cheol: It was me. 
King: You?
Gi Cheol: Yes, your Majesty.
King: Was it done for me?
Gi Cheol: For your Majesty and for Goryeo.
King: (flashback) Then I can take this and expose them.
Choi Young (flashback): You can do that or pretend you don't know. It is your choice.
King (turns back to Gi Cheol) Government House.
Gi Cheol:  Please speak.
King: If this secret edict was not brought along by those who were killed that day, but was written after they were poisoned by someone who faked it, how is that explained then?
Gi Cheol: Who and why would do such a thing?
King: (laughing) Yes, who and why would do such a thing? This is not something that can just be laughed off.  For my sake, those disloyals were killed. I should greatly thank whoever did it.
Gi Cheol: You have intention of rewarding?
King: What do you think? I still don't know what sort of reward to match such an effort.
Gi Cheol: Then I will be so bold to accept it.
King: Tell me.
Gi Cheol:  In my residence, there is a patient who can only be saved by Hwa Ta. So, I plead to you to allow me to take doc god with me. If that woman is really from Heaven, then the illness will definitely be cured. If she is not, I will quietly eliminate her for you.

King:  Must you kill that woman?
Gi Cheol: Did I not say? This is for your Majesty's sake.
King: Is it because you're afraid that woman will be on my side? Deok Song Gi Cheol is actually a petty person who is even afraid of a woman.
Gi Cheol: I am not afraid of her, but your Majesty. Don't you know?
King: The charade stops here. Tell me, what is it you want?
Gi Cheol: I'm not playing around. My great hope is that your Majesty will be over to my side. I have to eliminate everything that stands in the way between our relationship, regardless of whether it's doc god or that royal guard.
King: Become over to your side... meaning a King who listens to you guys?
Gi Cheol: Ahh... a little... different from that. What I hope is your heart's will. The more difficult to have, the more I want it. Obtaining a person's heart, is what gives me joy in life.
King: Heart's will?
Gi Cheol: What's so funny?
King: Try it.
Gi Cheol: If I try it...
King: Let's see who will obtain that heart's will. First, let's test it on doc god. How much time do you need to obtain her heart?
Gi Cheol: That's right...
King:  7 days enough?

(zine ed: Now This gets interesting!! This king... is crafty, dangerous, but his mind is very interesting. Even insane, just like his brother before him. Choi Young will be so mad if he finds out the king just wagered his doc god. To Gi Cheol, this is a really hot, exciting challenge!).

Gi Cheol: 7 days is enough. 
King: Take her away then.  If you can obtain her heart in 7 days, then she is yours.

(zine ed: How can the king do that? Breaking Choi Young's promise to her twice! I guess the king is betting Gi Cheol will lose, but still...sending the doc god to this person...It's too risky, lots of stuff can go wrong.) .

King: But if you fail...
Gi Cheol: If I fail...?
King: Deliver her back safely. You do not have confidence? 
Gi Cheol: I accept. 

(zine ed: I think Gi Cheol is impressed with the young king. :) The way the king sits and talks, it's like the king conversing with the devil. He just made a deal with the devil.). 

In the Herb Room: 

Eun Soo: Sorry, I'm was just...  (mute woman grabs her) W... why...
Dae Man: The captain's body is very cool, his pulse is also difficult to feel for ...
Eun Soo: Where is Doc Jang?
Dae Man: He has been out a long time seeing other patients. Aren't you going to do something? How can you not do anything?!  Give him some medicine or acupuncture or something... Or do you want me to bring you some equipment? I've even prepared the sterilization stuff that you requested...
Eun Soo: If only we had an ECG... If we had... pulse oximeter and ventilator...

(zine ed: Ahh.... modern docs are so helpless without their drugs and equipment!!).

Dae Man: What are you saying?? 
Eun Soo: At this point, there is nothing more I can do.
Dae Man: Are you not Heaven's doc?
Eun Soo: It's what you guys called me.  I didn't ask to be called that. (turns to speak to unconscious Choi Young) Hey... I overheard what the king and you talked about. Living in this crappy era is very tough. I can understand. I can also understand how you got to become psycho.  But you're not the only one who is hanging on and fighting to live a life. Why is it... why is it... (checks on Choi Young) Arrest.

(zine ed: She checked on him because he looked dead. Only after did she check his breathing. Maybe his breathing has been very shallow, but I think if breathing stopped, there would be a silence. I was also thinking maybe get Doc Jang to massage his heart might be stronger and better, although Eun Soo's softer strength might be just right. 

Ahh... living in this era now... isn't any better I think. Humans are humans. Hmm... shouldn't Eun Soo be massaging more towards the left side of his chest? She's massaging his right side...  Poor Dae  Man. He loves his captain so much, has always been standing by and watching over him).

Doc Jang:  Enough, he has already stopped breathing.
Eun Soo: How can you do this? Where are you going, leaving me here alone?!

(zine ed: She sounds like his wife). 

Eun Soo: Moreover, stabbed by me. You can't do this,  can't do this!!  Didn't you tell me, I have to follow closely by your side? You said that so you could protect me! So we have come to this step...

(zine ed: How did Min ho control not twitching at all when the tear fell on his cheek? Usually, it's natural reaction for the eye to twitch even just slightly, but his eyelid and eye did not move at all. He looks happy though. Hmm... it seems that he "moved" by a frame that overlapped his face, looking as if he took a breath.). 

Her voice reaches Choi Young:  So you could protect me!

Doc Jang: There is breath.

(zine ed: seems now Eun Soo is massaging the correct side of his chest).


Court Lady Choi: Empress.. Empress... you can't do that Empress...even if...

Servant hurriedly announces her arrival.

Empress: Your Majesty,  may I ask you...
King: If I say no, will you leave?
Empress: You said you're allowing doc god to be taken away?

(zine ed: ehh... how did she know?)

Empress: To give to that Gi Cheol guy?
King: This is the palace, don't just say his name. Call him his title Lord Deok Song Government House.
Empress: The doc god is to be given to royal guard to treat and save him.
King: I know.
Empress: No, you do not know.
King: To think you are a princess. Haven't you been taught etiquette?
Empress: Compared to etiquette that doesn't take us into consideration, isn't the etiquette between the Goryeo king and subjects more important and urgent?  For the sake of preserving your own life, your etiquette of offering people by your side one by one to the enemy,  is considered what sort of etiquette?
King: Who am I? Who am.. I?

(zine ed: He is always pulling rank. I hate that, ego problem. The Empress would be king if she were born a man! The throne should be hers.).

King: Is the character of the princess this bad... or is it because you're princess of yuan while I am a powerless Goryeo King? That's why you feel you can treat me any way you like?
Empress: You still don't understand?
King: It's because I don't understand, I ask you to answer!
Empress: The wild chicken that is being chased by hunter, thought that by burying its head in trees, nobody would be able to see it. Your Majesty, are you such a wild chicken?
King: What did you say?
Empress: Who is on your side. Who to protect so that you can live. You really don't get it? By giving up doc god, if royal guard Choi Young dies..  who will stay by your side? 

(zine ed: Ahahaha.. I think the real reason is because she likes Choi Young herself. ^_^). 

King: So now, princess, you hurried over here because you're worried about me?  I heard you met Choi Young earlier, secretly at your place.  Was that also for my sake?

(zine ed: Er... that was... er... because she wanted to touch him...).

Empress: Didn't expect you to care so much for me.
King:  Just because a question is difficult to answer, you can't reply?  You met Choi Young at your place is for whose sake?  I'm asking you. 
Empress: If you collapse, so will I. If you're trampled on, so will I be.  Of course, I am worried about you. 

(zine ed: Ah. I see. So it's about herself. Should I believe it?). 

Empress: Unable to stay in my room just worrying.  Without caring about etiquette,  I rushed over making a din.  It was my mistake to come, and a mistake to have asked.  I won't come to look for you or ask you again. So, I hope you will forgive me.

Herb place:

Lady: Oh my god...

(zine ed: In the raw version, I had wondered why Gi Cheol's men were able to enter the King's area and take Eun Soo. I thought they just bypassed the King. Turned out, it was the King's idea for her to be taken away.).

Guard outside: Where is the doc god?

(^_^ Min ho is in his favourite position: sleeping. Look at his face. Blissful. He once said he wished he could be in a show where he can sleep all the time.). 

Gi Gheol's bro: Out of the way.
Guard: This is the herb garden, no entry by order of the King. How dare you bring your own troops in here.
Gi Cheol's bro: It's the imperial edict. The edict to invite doc god is right here. What are you doing? You guys dare hinder my way? Die!
Doc Jang: Wait! Doc god is treating a patient so...
Gi Cheol's bro: I already said this is an imperial edict.
Doc Jang: Please produce it as evidence.
Gi Cheol's bro: What? What did you say?
Guard: Yeah, we also have an edict. Before you show it, nobody is allowed in.
Gi Cheol's bro: You guys are really disrespectful! Why are you still standing there? Those who stand in my way, die!

(zine ed: Eun Soo shouldn't have come out).

Doc Jang: Please go back inside.
Eun Soo: That man is still alive. Wait! Time out! I want to treat that man who is injured...
Gi Cheol's bro: You...  who call yourself doc god... Listen well to me...
Eun Soo: Yeah... you can talk later... To this man who needs treatment, time is life. You know I'm a doctor, right?  A doctor on a battlefield can't be killed either. Red Cross! (goes to the man) Need to stop the bleeding first! Help me press here.
Gi Cheol's bro: You have to come with me immediately. Stand up. 
Eun Soo: Then... if I don't? 
Guard: Stop it! Sheath your blade. Sheath it! It's an edict. Doc god, you have to go. 
Gi Cheol's bro: Have to go.

Court Lady Choi:  Doc god was taken away last night.
Empress:  She wasn't invited to leave but was taken away?
Court Lady Choi:  I heard that was how it went.
Empress: Will they kill her?
Court Lady Choi:  If they feel she is useful,  will let her live for a while.  
Empress: If there is no useful value... will they kill her?  Then Choi Young, will he also die?

Adviser: Your Majesty, please give the order. As long as you give the order, I'll go over hellfire, even using my blood to open a path, to bring back your Majesty's doc god.  Just give me Dragon Tiger and Eagle Armies, these 2 troops plus the royal guards. I can do it.

(zine ed: Ahh.. I love the scene when Choi Young wakes. The sunlight streaming in, so bright and his wrist so thin and pale as he raises it to shield his eyes. And his voice... so realistically thick, and difficult as he tries to speak after having been asleep for so long and just revived from the dead.. Then faithful Dae Man cutely uses his body to block the sun for his captain ^_^). 

Dae Man: Captain? Captain.
Choi Young: It's... too bright.
Doc Jang: So you've told him? And the reason why doc god was taken away?
Dae Man: Well, he asked. Don't tell me I don't answer?  That's the captain asking.
Doc Jang: You were unconscious for an entire day.  And once completely didn't breathe. If not for doc god, you wouldn't still be around.  Your pulse is still weak. Need absolute rest.
Choi Young: You were just watching when doc god was taken?
Doc Jang: It was an imperial edict.
Choi Young: Use your needles or just punch them up.  Or just make her unconscious. Then just find excuse to say she can't be moved. 
Doc Jang: As the king's royal guard, you intend to defy the edict?
Choi Young: I am weak enough as it is. Don't waste my precious energy. Step aside.
Doc Jang: This are Keep Steady pills, only left 3.  It can protect your heart rate for a day. Avoid using your inner power as much as possible otherwise you may not be able to use your power again.
Choi Young: Ahh... you are a doctor who says such pessimistic words.
Doc Jang: Right now, they intend to show that you are the one who brought in a fake. What counter plan do you have?
Choi Young: Direct break through.

(zine ed: Ahh.. end of Chinese subs translation as it's taking too much time. I'll just watch it, then move on to watching the Eng subbed version of this same episode. Then move on to watch the Chinese subbed version of Ep 6.)

[Mm.. today my ... monthly thing is making my anemia worse. Seems this anemia is always hovering, and plunges when that time of the month comes. I bet now if I see the doc, he'll send me for transfusion. :-/   ]

[Hmm.. the part when the King is upset that Choi Young and the Empress didn't trust him... that they went and did their own things... sounds like this King has the same condition as his brother. Low self-esteem, ego problem... feeling persecuted, the "nobody wants me, nobody needs me" thinking, leading to mania in his brother the previous king.

I also liked that Choi Young thought to wipe away the blood from his mouth and neck first before entering the room that Eun Soo is in, so that she wouldn't be alarmed. So thoughtful of him.

His protection of her also becomes more aggressive and complete, not even letting that woman in red go a step near her in ep 6, and also drinking the wine first.

It's so wonderful her voice, when she gets up from the bed and softly calls him with affection, "Psycho" when he comes to rescue her.

Hahaha... I guessed as much when Eun Soo and Gi Cheol gang stared at Choi Young, when I watched the raw version of this episode. Why everyone looked so shocked.

Choi Young said he is talking to Gi Cheol just to buy time to rescue Eun Soo out and that the King does not know he has come alone to rescue her. His men, the royal guards aren't here either without the King's command. Choi Young says, "I came on my own.". Gi Cheol asks why.? Choi Young says, "Because I, on my own, have fallen in love with her.".

Is Choi Young telling the truth or just came up with a very good excuse to get her out?

The music...actually sounds a little like... Pirates of the Carribean...]


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, your translation is amazing. I Hope that you can continue the translation of this great drama.

zinepin said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment:) I had thought nobody was interested.

Anonymous said...

Your translation is very detailed, more than other english subs.
I'm not english and thank to you i understand the dialogues. I'll keep follow you certainly :)