Sunday 21 October 2012

Faith OST Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Music Soundtrack Korean Drama Min Ho

After searching for a long while yesterday 21 Sunday, was unable to find download for Part 5. Whey-yo??! Na Ze?!! Why?!!

Quite annoying that all the search results showed only 1 song ("I See You" by Brown-Eyed Soul's Sunghoon) under Part 5 OST.  Na Ze?!! Part 5 OST has 8 tracks.

Here is the complete listing of all the parts. Listening to the tracks, I realized that they contain the songs/soundtracks that I like when watching the drama.

I have absolutely no idea Why they wouldn't compile everything into 1 CD for sale. It's totally amazing there's not even a Faith keychain for sale!! What are the Koreans doing?!!! They are missing the chance for lucrative merchandising!!!!!

The show is almost over in 4 more episodes and not a single Faith merchandise is out. Are they going to sell them only After the drama ends??! O.O

There is absolutely nothing on Korean or Taiwanese websites for Faith items. As mentioned, not even a single keychain. Really don't understand how the Korean Faith producers are doing this or why.

City Hunter has loads of stuff, so why can't Faith do the same?

City Hunter: There are DVD sets (Korean/Taiwanese version boxes), OST CDs, towels, pillow cases, keychains, mousepads, photo cards, calendars, clothes, shoes, cap, bag, magazines.... Some time ago, I bought a pillowcase with a high-resolution Min Ho's face on it!!! ^__^ I hug him and kiss him every night.  I know he will shudder if he sees me hugging and kissing his image. But hey, who asked him to look so good?

Back to OST/Soundtrack:

I would really prefer to buy the CDs than to download or just listen online.

Maybe the Faith producers find it too troublesome to get copyright for all the various artistes for compilation into 1 soundtrack album??

It's really bizarre there are so many OST parts (1 to 7). 

I spent half the day at first looking for... Faith cartoons/anime drawings of Choi Young, and ended up trailing links to OSTs.

I didn't manage to find any anime drawings of Choi Young, but found the OSTs and Making Of Episodes 19 and 20.

1) The complete list of the parts and tracks can be found @ Olleh.

Unfortunately, they only play the tracks partially before cutting off. And maybe they have download.... but I think need sign-up with Korean ID (as usual with Korean websites).

But the Olleh site lists everything clearly. So, whichever track you like, you can just search for it elsewhere to listen or download.

2) The first OST listing I found was actually from here. It's a Chinese site that lists everything clearly. But only until Part 4 and only for listening. However, the quality is very clear and good:

The song called "Sadness" I like it.
But bro passing by my room, said, "So sad the song, why you play?"
I said,  "That's why it's called Sadness".
He said, "Yeah lah".

Anyway, I found that after listening to all the tracks, I no longer wish to have the CD or to listen to anymore for now. Somehow, listening to a whole track instead of just a clip of it, isn't so nice anymore. Don't know why.

3) The various songs can also be heard at Daily Motion:

Whatever track you don't see displayed in the above link, just type in the name in the search engine on top (except for Love (Instrumental) that isn't there).

4) For downloads... I'm sure readers can find some themselves.  Personally, I found downloads for Part 6 and 7. The rest I am not downloading, but just listening will do. I actually want Part 5 that has all the songs I like (but can't find any download)

Part 6 download:
Part 7 download:


I  didn't find out who/where these songs came from. The comments kept saying each of these parts have been released at certain dates. But who released them?? Isn't there an official site? SBS/BGM?

I went to the main SBS Faith website, but didn't find any soundtracks there. Found very clear videos of Makings Of instead.

From Olleh, the entire OST parts listing is:

Part 1 = Carry On 
Part 2 = Because My Steps Are Slow 

Part 3 =  8 tracks 

The first one is "Bad Person" (rap song that I mentioned in a previous post that I liked)

Part 4 = Younha (vocal)/ Younha (instrumental)

Part 5   The first one is "I see you"" that is very easy to find online (shown in search results as "Brown-Eyed Soul Sunghoon..."), but not the other tracks that are actually soundtracks of the drama.

Part 6 =     

Part 7 =   사랑아 (Love)/  사랑아 (Love/Instrumental)

I love this song as well. The beautiful instrumental couldn't be found as easily as the vocal one. So, I downloaded it (from the link above in the post). I love the instrument (guitar?) playing at the part just before it lightens into a chorus melody.

This song was played at the end of Episode 19 (in the preview for Ep 20).

Monday 22 October, 1.35 a.m.

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